Senin, 25 Februari 2019



Хасиль Гамбар Унтук СаТТ ico

About SaTT

SaTT will change the deal between advertisers and content editors to be instant, transparent and secure! SaTT is an ERC20 token created to simplify advertising transactions with a smart contract. No more late payments or expensive banking services. A decentralized system for quantifying campaign results with third-party applications and a smart contract.

This problem
Until now, there has been no simple and effective proposal to satisfy this need: it was human work, agency work. Advertisers and publishers in many ad networks must rely on centralized advertising agencies, not being able to verify the statistical results provided, which may be distorted, which makes campaigns more expensive. In the event of a technical failure on a centralized platform, all advertising campaigns stop working until the incident is resolved, and if the centralized network is hacked, hackers can access all accounts in the system.

The traditional business model of traditional and centralized advertising agencies is based on the unacceptable cost of entry and monthly billing for the services provided. Minimum fees for using their interface range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars per month, and affiliate commissions can take several months, which leads to significant fees for the transfer and can even be blocked in case of a minimum invoice bill.

Our solution
Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed database that guarantees the integrity of data and transactions. Thanks to the blockchain, advertisers and their campaigns are not related to each other. Thus, they are not all susceptible to hacking or malfunctioning. Thanks to Smart Contract SaTT, announcements and transactions are governed by autonomous creature modules protected by the Ethereum blockchain. In the event of a malfunction of the module or Oracle, the integrity of the advertising of other advertisers is maintained.

Transaction cost is divided between encryption and Oracle modules according to need. Therefore, there is no minimum monthly billing. The competition between Oracle modules ensures a high level of service and competitive rates. With SaTT, payments are made immediately as soon as the success criteria are met. Payments are not subject to a commission for transfer or currency conversion, which provides significant savings in the industry

How does it work
Smart Contract SaTT allows an advertiser to display ads in accordance with its performance goals and track the evolution of his advertising campaign on the interfaces that he used as Google Analytics, Instagram, Facebook Analytics, through connections from Oracle modules that transmit information between the Smart Contract and the data source to determine transaction parameters Thanks to the blockchain, the publisher is guaranteed that the campaign has been prepared and that it will be paid as soon as it meets the conditions set by the advertiser, or the end date of the campaign defined in the transaction. As soon as the goals are achieved, the Smart Contract starts the transaction automatically, and the funds are transferred directly to its portfolio minus the commission paid to the Oracle modules.

Blockchain and tokenized economy
Smart Contract SaTT works in a decentralized and distributed manner. The blockchain will include all current offers that allow any API or platform to perform operations, whether creating within an advertiser, mapping to create an advertisement directory or in Oracle, for example, by providing the statistics needed to verify and quantify a transaction. To make SaTT more liquid, we will install the PayBySaTT feature in our app store and offer an SDK for third-party developers, so that SaTT can pay for many products and exclusive events.

Гамбар теркаит

Token Information

Token: SaTT

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

Price in ICO: 0.4200 USD


Pre ICO 100%

Step 1 50%

Step 2 30%

Step 3 20%

Step 4 10%

Tokens for sale: 68,000,000

Investment Information

Accepted: ETH, BTC, Fiat

Distributed in ICO: 34%

Soft hat: 3 360 000 US dollars

Hardcover: $ 28,560,000


Gauthier Bros

Stephanie Clement

Samir XIBI

Jeffrey MY

Nicholas Roy



Mohamed Aziz BEN Reggeb

Amel Hammem

Wim Buty

Mohamed Mezlini

Our consultants


Laurent Leloupe

David AZAR


Richard Esteve

Jean Michel BILLO


Philip ERB

Eric Alexander CERET

Jordan delagnau

Joseph usiel

Francois Lepage


Florian Rezo

Guillaume Mikuen

Quentin Herbrecht

Vladimir Denis

Brian blaoevet


AUTHOR: Gambangcity
ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

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