Senin, 30 April 2018

Платформа и услуги C2Legacy LOC

C2Legacy-Build Цифровое наследие, которое никогда не умирает

Платформа C2Legacy приносит доверие к преемственности криптографической недвижимости, предлагая безопасность, конфиденциальность и неизменность для индустрии планирования цифровых активов
Платформа управления имуществом цифровых активов

C2Legacy - первая платформа Digital Will на блочной цепочке, которая будет надежно и точно проверять смерть владельца наследства с использованием глобальных, цифровых и децентрализованных сертификатов смерти или цифровых сертификатов смерти в США. C2Legacy позволит первой Смерти на основе Blockchain, когда наш первый владелец наследства пройдет. Кроме того, неизменная платформа C2Legacy позволяет вам защищать свои криптографические и цифровые активы, присоединяя наследников, а после смерти смарт-контракты будут конфиденциально передавать ваше цифровое наследие. C2Legacy приносит вам спокойствие, зная, что ваша криптовалюта не умрет вместе с вами, и вы сможете позаботиться о своих близких после того, как вы уйдете. Не позволяйте вашим криптовалютам умереть вместе с вами, уменьшите бремя своей смерти с помощью C2Legacy. 


C2Legacy - первая платформа Digital Will на блочной цепочке, которая будет надежно и точно проверять смерть владельца наследства с использованием глобальных, цифровых и децентрализованных сертификатов смерти или цифровых сертификатов смерти в США. C2Legacy позволит первой Смерти на основе Blockchain, когда наш первый владелец наследства пройдет. Кроме того, неизменная платформа C2Legacy позволяет вам защищать свои криптографические и цифровые активы, присоединяя наследников, а после смерти смарт-контракты будут конфиденциально передавать ваше цифровое наследие. C2Legacy приносит вам спокойствие, зная, что ваша криптовалюта не умрет вместе с вами, и вы сможете позаботиться о своих близких после того, как вы уйдете. 


Тема с множеством точек касания в современном онлайн-мире. Вот лишь некоторые из областей, которые C2Legacy может решить в этом разделе: 
Что вы должны рассказать о своем цифровом наследии сегодня? 
Сколько заработка криптовалюты будет потеряно до смерти? 
Каковы последствия смерти в Интернете? 
Как технология меняет процесс траура? 
Как семьи имеют дело с цифровым наследием? 
Какова политика онлайн-сервисов? 
Кто владеет вашим контентом после того, как вы прошли? 
Какая политика предоставляет онлайн-услуги для цифрового наследия? 
Мы создаем деньги, бизнес, персоналии, онлайн-отношения, создаем дружеские отношения - независимо от географии - из постоянного потока окружающего знакомства. 

Эта цель лежит в основе создания C2Legacy. Ведущей стандартной цифровой валютой будет та, которая решает проблемы и делает ее максимально удобной для пользователя. Модель C2Legacy Proof of Death обеспечивает неизменную безопасность при децентрализации плеера, чтобы проверять и поддерживать глобальную книгу Legacy. Обеспечение максимальной безопасности для сети C2Legacy Platform. По сути, это означает, что наследие C2Legacy является безопасным. 


Владельцы Cryptocurrency, компании Blockchain, компании Hedgefund, предприятия по планированию недвижимости, компании, основанные на онлайн и социальных сетях, или все, кто хочет уменьшить нагрузку на передачу цифровых активов своим близким. 


C2Legacy - это сервисная служба, предназначенная для проверки смерти и эффективной посмертной передачи криптового богатства в криптографическом имении. C2Legacy предоставит простые, профессиональные и частные услуги, устраняя необходимость понимания технических деталей технологии. С C2Legacy нетехнические наследники все еще способны наследовать наследие своих близких. 

Партнерство C2Legacy с агентством по планированию недвижимости предлагает бесплатные услуги, позволяющие пользователям встречаться с кем-то, кто может помочь в настройке и поиске криптовалютных активов. Кроме того, технологии и криптовалютные подкованные пользователи смогут интегрировать свои кошельки с децентрализованным приложением C2Legacy. 

C2Legacy - первая платформа, основанная на Уиле, которая будет надежно и точно подтверждать гибель владельца наследства с использованием глобальных, цифровых и децентрализованных сертификатов смерти или цифровых сертификатов смерти в США. Услуги по проверке смертности в C2Legacy помогают организациям по защите кредитов, кредитам и кредитам. 


C2Legacy создаст сертификаты смерти на основе Blockchain, которые могут быть проверены глобально и не контролироваться какой-либо одной нацией, но путем проверки и принятия автономными сообществами и DBVN. 


Программные службы C2Legacy позволят пользователям помогать в настройке и извлечении криптовалютных активов. Кроме того, опытные подкованные разработчики технологии и криптовалюты смогут интегрировать свои кошельки с децентрализованным приложением C2Legacy и использовать доказательство работы через майнинг для токенов C2Legacy, C2L 
Один из долгосрочных планов C2Legacy - помочь сохранить экосистему криптовалютности. В 2021 году проект LEMON надеется разбить базу, внедряющую чистые экологические и графические центры в страны, не обслуживаемые технологиями. 


Как получить токены C2L. Токены C2L облегчают транзакции на платформе управления недвижимостью C2Legacy Digital Assets. Ток C2L позволит полностью разработать платформу управления платформой C2Legacy DAE для обеспечения непреложной, эффективной, безопасной с помощью многопрофильной контрактной платформы и прозрачного безопасного токена для облегчения обмена данными в сети. C2Legacy C2L Token будет доступен для участников только через SAFT 1-й квартал 2018.C2L Token Annoucement 1st Quarter 2018 
Участвуйте через SAFT 
Необходимо приобрести у американской учетной записи 
Должен быть аккредитованным квалифицированным инвестором 
Должен удерживать активы не менее $ 200 тыс. 

Распределение токенов50% Crowdsales20% Команда и ранние участники10% Сообщество и партнеры20% FoundationIntented Использование прибыли40% Развитие15% Исследование20% Операция и бизнес Деве20% Маркетинг и сообщество Dev10% Партнерство5% Правовая информация 
2017Q3-20172017-03-04 Разработка команды, планшетной панели платформы, Техническая документация DraftQ4-20172017-11-24 Разработка и разработка информационной стратегии и начало маркетинговой кампании2017-12-18 Разработка шаблона прототипа, разработка веб-сайта UI / UX2018Q1-20182018-01-03 Прототип Outline Development, анонс Nasdaq, Whitepaper FeedbackQ2-20182018-02-20 США только частный SAFT, токен и смарт-контракт Полная сквозная демонстрация полного и прототипа FeedbackQ4-20182018-02-21 Mobile App Dev, внешние партнеры2019Q1-Q4 20192019-06- 28 Построение партнерств и альянсов2020Q3 20202020-09-09 Полностью функциональная веб-платформа с децентрализованной интеграцией блоков. 


C2Legacy Development TeamCEO & Основатель - Marie-Antoinette TichlerCTO - Советник Барбары ДжонсБоккейн - Адэ КонджиКо - Директор Latrelle FreemanUi / Ux - Брэндон Роулетт Директор по маркетингу - Бинду ChappelleC2Legacy Advisory CommunityCLA - Дэвид СломинC2Легатис Юридический советник - Остин МиллсC2Legacy Финансовый советник - Пэдди Атурими

Дополнительная информация CLICK LINKS BELLOW:



Descripción general de ICO - Pavo 🚀

Hasil gambar untuk pavo bounty

💥 ¡Buenos amigos, saludo a todos en mi blog! Hoy les contaré sobre un proyecto ICO muy interesante. Discutiremos cómo Pavo está implementando las tecnologías de blockchain en un ecosistema agrícola descentralizado, y también hablaremos en detalle sobre los detalles del ICO.

🚀Pavo: el sistema IoT se usa para supervisar y optimizar todo el ciclo de producción de cultivos. Actualmente, Pavo está siendo probado en California. Pavocoin combina la tecnología blockchain y la increíble tecnología de Internet of Things, también conocida como IoT. Se puede rastrear todo el ciclo de vida de los cultivos en crecimiento, incluso en la medida de la distribución. Pavo tiene experiencia en el monitoreo agrícola en Europa de cultivos como avellanas, almendras y nueces. Actualmente, están desarrollando y movilizando fondos para el ecosistema Pavocoin, que integra la tecnología blockchain con sensores de control IoT para un sorprendente desarrollo tecnológico en el sector agrícola.

Si bien Pavo tiene grandes planes para capturar una gran parte del sector agrícola, el primer nicho al que se dirigen es un nicho que crece en el cannabis. Este segmento del mercado puede brindar el máximo beneficio de la tecnología Pavo, y este es un gran lugar para ellos. Su plataforma se utiliza actualmente en dos hogares en crecimiento en el área de San Francisco. Algunos de los problemas que enfrenta el mercado del cannabis son la caída de los precios, el aumento de los precios, la calidad, el crecimiento del espacio, las leyes federales, la regulación, los problemas ambientales y la cadena de suministro. Pavokoyn busca ayudar con estos serios problemas. Es importante administrar estos negocios con la máxima eficiencia, y Pavocoin puede ayudar.

El software Pavo IoT puede ayudar a los fabricantes a optimizar la planificación de la producción, la distribución, el marketing y la planificación de la producción. La pasarela Pavo puede monitorear y grabar producción en tiempo real. Registra todas las actividades, incluidos los aerosoles, la plantación y la entrega. Básicamente, todos los aspectos del ciclo de producción son rastreados. Actualmente, hay sensores de CO2 ubicados junto a los sensores en el suelo. La información de estos sensores se transfiere a la puerta de enlace en el repositorio. Este repositorio está disponible con una interfaz simple en la que el usuario puede rastrear toda la información. Además de controlar la calidad del agua, la contaminación, la salinidad, etc. Hay mucho que aprender sobre Pavocoin.

🚀Identaciones ICO

Comienza el 12 de abril y durará hasta el 14 de julio de 2018
Nombre del token - PAVO
El precio del token es 1 PAVO = $ 1
Tipo de token - ERC-20
Hardcap - $ 65,000,000


💣 Preventa

Etapa 1 - 04.12-04.26 + 45% de los $ 10,000
Etapa 2 - 27.04-06.11 + 33% de los $ 5,000
06.12-06.16 + bonificación del 25%
06.17-06.23 + 18% de bonificación
24/06/06 30,30 + 11% de bonificación
07.01-07.07 + bonificación del 5%
07 / 08-07.14 Sin bonificación

🚀 ¿Por qué vale la pena apoyar este proyecto?

Team Pavo, absolutamente todos sus empleados trabajan para el beneficio de la empresa y siempre están listos para ayudar en cualquier asunto. Siempre están en contacto y no pierden de vista. De hecho, en el momento actual, cuando estamos hablando de proyectos ICO, este hecho es muy importante.
Todos los prototipos hechos por el equipo de desarrollo de Pavo están a disposición del público, ahora mismo puede conocerse y probar este sistema.
Pavo participa en todas las criptografías posibles, bloquea foros, hace contratos serios.
Después de leer este blog, probablemente tengas preguntas. Asegúrese de preguntar en las fuentes oficiales de Pavo:

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about HCT project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

About the HCT Project

NAREIG will issue the real estate coupon token HCT (House Coupon Token) on the Ethereum blockchain. The price for one HCT is USD $ 1.00, however the buyer can redeem each HCT for USD $ 100 when purchase properties with NAREIG.

Restrictions for The Redemption2:

- HCT can only be redeemed through NAREIG.
- HCT can only be redeemed in the condition of the buyer purchases of residential / commercial properties through NAREIG.
- For each transaction, the total redeemed dollar value CAN NOT exceed 25% of the total commission NAREIG received.
- Buyer needs to purchase HCT before the house tour.
Formula: (NAREIG's commission x 25% HCT redemption cap)
100 = Maximum amount of tokens to be redeemed


Tom plans to buy a USD $ 2 million house via NAREIG. If NAREIG gets 3% commission from the transaction, it will equal USD $ 60,000. Based on the formula above, Tom can redeem 150 HCT. If Tom bought HCT USD $ 1 each, he then saved USD $ 14,850 from the real estate transaction.
($ 60,000 x 25%)
100 = 150 HCT
$ 100 x 150HCT - $ 1 x 150 HCT = $ 14,850

As demonstrated, the HCT provides a win-win situation to both real estate buyers and NAREIG. The more people buying HCT from us, the more bargaining power NAREIG has in negotiation of real estate deals. At the same time, real estate buyers will benefit from noticeable commission savings. With the growth of HCT investors, NAREIG will expand its market presence quickly, which in turn increases the HCT value. For those who are not interested in purchasing real estate, they can easily trade HCT at exchange platform. Since HCTs are redeemable through NAREIG, the token value is more stable than other types of cryptocurrencies. Also, as a type of high tangle asset, real estate has the advantages of property appreciation, steady returns, and tax savings.

HCT Distribution




Why choose NAREIG HCT?

- A reputable U.S. company that has successful track of records for 5 years.
- NAREIG's business has expanded in 12 countries with millions of dollars' annual revenue.
Unlike other types of cryptocurrencies, the usage of HCT is demonstrated clearly.

- HCT can be redeemed immediately from NAREIG for purchasing real estate.
- The value increase is predictable. One HCT can be up to 100 times USD value in purchasing properties from NAREIG.

- NAREIG's HCT has stable value and can be a good investment option in the financial downturns.
- Real estate is a long-term investment. By connecting the crypto concept with tangible asset, our
HCT will be a good choice of your risk resistant portfolio.

- NAREIG was established in 2012 and well-known for high net worth Chinese individuals.
- Our core team members have more than 15 years' management experience. Not only they have solid real estate knowledge, but also built up a large international investment pool.

For more information and join the current HPS media, follow some sources for the following references:

ImmVRse - the virtual future is already coming


Hello, to adore the altcoyins. The world of 3D graphics is not over yet, and the era of VR technology is struggling for its existence. At present, many companies are not engaged in the development and implementation of virtual reality. Because, in my opinion, people do not completely "live" this wonderful technology, so they are implemented in a lot of jumps all over the world. Currently, the virtual reality market has Google, Sony, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive , sharks as a small, widely dispersed developer. Is it bad? understand:

The development of games and software for their own products will reduce their diffusion a little, which will result in "information silence".
  More resources are spent on product creation
  So, let's say a smart, and more fun with
In fact, whether online or by phone always, in the beginning each new product started separately (when the phone had just started everywhere, each of them had a connector to charge, for example in time Taking the length of the phone Current mobile is suitable for most 1) or later, grouped, which makes a product of very high quality. The great potential for business leadership also the development of VR technology will stimulate the industry will be projected to Goldman Sachs in 2025 to reach 9 billion dollars.
It is the representative of the corporate VR that holds ICO - ImmVRse immediately.

ImmVRse is registered in London. As this is regulated by UK law, reliability becomes earlier and the jokes with the queen are bad. ImmVRse focuses on technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality technology. They are developing a distributed platform to create and distribute VR content, expand the circle of people engaged in researching these technologies, and try to expand the fans who use them.

The platform is fully decentralized as described above and built on the Blockchain. This avoids the possibility of payment fraud because no one can change or delete transactions. To do this, we use our own ImmVRse token with the ERC-20 protocol. This technology is superior because the Ethereum network of this technology is waiting for a fantastic future.

About ICO:

The sale of chips starts on February 12 and lasts from 6 weeks to 8 weeks, or until the $ 200,000 limit is reached. The price of the token will be 0.2 USD. A total of 300 million chips will be created and the following will be sold:
33% (100 million)
53% is earmarked for future project development
10% for the team and its adviser
4% of marketing companies
It is also important to note that pre-sale participants receive 20% more chips than the investor's core sales.


Icobench - Rating of 4.6 out of 5, rated by 17 experts (very high score)
Trackico - 5 out of 4.1
As these are high-end sites for the ICO's analysis, you can see that the project is very popular and investors never lose money in any case.
About the team:
The team is composed of future developers with years of experience. Here are some of them:
Farabi Shayor - Co-founder and CEO Qualified marketing specialists with 10 years of experience are researchers and investors in the field of blocking.
Limon Rahman is co-founder and chief operating officer. Entrepreneurs and angel investors (angel investors, in person first invest in the project, generally investors over 100 jets) has a 140-fold experience in financial management management and multinational enterprises .Experts on business creation in various fields.
Adrian Chan is responsible for the marketing department. He has 4 years of experience in marketing and journalism and is co-founder of MadBuzzHK.
In this article, not all developers are listed, but we have a link to a site with a complete list.
In summary, I am, not only the funding, as well as the advisor to the excellent technologies such as VR have worked hard to bring to our world, want to pay attention to the project and its team perspectives.


Situs resmi:


ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Apres - The Spot Where the Press and Blokchain Meet

The rapid progress of science and technology in our time has been influential in society and in many fields such as education, industry, health and agriculture. The introduction of the Internet into our lives has brought us closer to any source of information. We can now handle all of our business on the internet. It has become more popular to read distance learning pages instead of shopping on the internet, instead of reading the newspaper, reading the pages from our phones, our computers and even our tablets. We can now say that technology has gradually begun to take the place of human power, artificial intelligence, AI, programs, applications become more and more available. Particularly with the emergence of next-generation block-chain technology, cryptographic parasites have emerged, which is beginning to affect our financial and economic world. In the past, work that has been done as a result of very long struggles is now being carried out very quickly and the world is getting better and better. In particular, the media world is no longer challenging the news because there is an event happening somewhere in the world at any moment. Here, globalization, technological developments and the people living in our world have also changed and improved the media industry. Apres emerged in the light of all these developments and we have created a press platform using block-chain technology to solve the existing problems

Road map


What is Apres?

APRES is a management press platform from a Blockchain based location. To close the gap between time, events, reports, transportation and answers. Without a subscription fee, Users offer a lot of options such as publishing, reading, reviewing, commenting and creating. It is a community network that gives users the authority to broadcast, review, comment and make a difference. They make every contribution when rewarding their users with APS tokens. It is designed to donate, encourage and enrich people who contribute to the network by rewarding them with awards, wages, donations or promises. It sends money and makes it very fun and comfortable to buy.

For more information you can check out Wep:
Whitepaper for technical information:

About Token

APRES Token is an Ethereum token governed by intelligent contracts. It aims to promote a rational and transparent society by encouraging freedom of speech and participation. Blockchain intends to influence APRES in a better way with the changes in our society and journalism.



Hasil gambar untuk tim apres bounty

Apresin Media Channels




Platform Baik GLOBATALENT Bagi Mereka yang Suka Olahraga

Industri olahraga adalah pasar di mana orang, kegiatan, perusahaan dan organisasi terlibat dalam produksi, promosi atau pengorganisasian kegiatan, pengalaman atau kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk olahraga. Ini adalah pasar di mana perusahaan adalah produk yang ditawarkan kepada pembeli di hubungan dengan olahraga dan mungkin barang, jasa, orang, tempat atau ide.

Pemasaran olahraga adalah divisi pemasaran yang berfokus pada promosi acara dan tim olahraga, serta pada promosi produk dan layanan lain melalui tim olahraga dan acara olahraga. Ini adalah layanan tempat item yang dipromosikan dapat berupa produk fisik atau merek nama. Tujuannya adalah untuk menawarkan strategi kepada pelanggan untuk mempromosikan olahraga atau untuk mempromosikan produk, layanan, perusahaan, atau kegiatan lain tertentu melalui olahraga. Pemasaran pemasaran juga dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan kebutuhan konsumen melalui proses pertukaran.

Globatalent blockchain adalah platform terdesentralisasi yang memungkinkan klub dan pemain untuk menghasilkan uang dengan menjual hak untuk pendapatan masa depan untuk penggemar di seluruh dunia. Proses investasi yang menggunakan kontrak cerdas yang menggunakan teknologi Blockchain. Ini memastikan pertukaran token dengan cepat dan aman, di Globatalent , investasi adalah aset cair yang dapat dikonversi menjadi mata uang ekonomi setiap saat, Global hadir untuk mendesentralisasikan industri olahraga, situs web resmi

Manfaat dapat diperoleh jika bergabung dalam GLOBATALENT

Jenis Token: Ethereum (ERC20)
ICO Star Date: Apr 16 | 00.00 UTC
ICO End Date: 6 Mei 11:59 malam UTC
Total Pasokan: GBT
SoftCap: $ 15.000.000 USD
HardCap: $ 35.000.000 USD
ICO Tersedia: 500.000.000 GBT
Konversi ICO
1 GBT = 0,0595 USD minggu 1
1 GBT = 0,063 USD minggu 2
1 GBT = 0,07 USD minggu 3

15% minggu 1
10% minggu 2
0% minggu 3
50% penjualan Token
20% Tim & Investor
13% Bounty
8% Cadangan & Dana
7% Advisor & Ambassadors
2% Airdrop
Jika Anda tertarik untuk berpartisipasi dalam membeli Token, silakan kunjungi LINK dan isi FORM dengan benar


ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

Globatalent - спортивный децентрализованный


Внедрите платформу, которая изменит способ инвестирования в спортивный мир. Интегрируя существующие технологические цепочки, вы можете создать платформу, которая связана с различными спортивными командами и инвестировать в игру.

Мы знаем, что спортивная индустрия не только собирает эмоции миллионов людей, но и спортивная индустрия еще больше. Жизни многих людей зависят от этой отрасли. Игроку или команде нужна поддержка сообщества для их жизни. Игроки и команды часто терпят неудачу, потому что они не поддерживаются, поэтому спортсмены или команды не могут снова играть в отрасли и должны покинуть спортивную индустрию. Мы не считаем, что это плохая проблема, и нам, возможно, придется покинуть отрасль из-за отсутствия государственной поддержки или инвестиций. Поэтому мы разработали платформу для ее обработки. Надеюсь, это не повторится в будущем.

Мы разработали распределенную платформу с использованием технологии блочных цепочек, и вы и более широкое сообщество получили доступ к различным командам / спортсменам. Мы выиграем от инвестиций в игрока или команду на рынке, который мы предлагаем. Преимущество, получаемое при покупке и продаже будущих выгод, гарантированных вашими собственными правами заимствования, передача игроков, призовые деньги, зарплаты, продажа билетов, телевизионные контракты или другие доходы. Вам не нужно тратить много денег, и вы можете инвестировать небольшую сумму денег. Помимо инвестирования в игрока или команду, я также участвовал в развитии этих спортсменов.

Платформа Google позволяет пользователям покупать и продавать токены на рынке GLOBATALENT. Пользователи могут покупать и продавать широкий спектр фьючерсных преимуществ различных игроков и команд в зависимости от их возможностей. Команда или игрок будут финансироваться за счет билетов, спонсорства, прав на телевидение, прав передачи игроков и / или будущих прав других клубов, которые они продают. Все это будет прозрачным для общественности.

Мы разработали эту платформу с использованием технологии блочных цепей в качестве базовой платформы. С момента своего создания Blockchain обеспечивает онлайн-транзакции быстро и безопасно и поддерживает все типы данных и шифрование. В процессе развития прогресс прогрессирует и поощряет технологическую революцию. Технология Blockchain использует систему, в которой все транзакции записываются и не могут быть изменены навсегда, чтобы обеспечить безопасность и прозрачность транзакций, а также уменьшить количество мошенничества с данными.

Эта технология более безопасна, чем текущая общая технология, поэтому мы предпочитаем использовать технологию блочных цепочек. В отличие от традиционных технологий блок технологической цепочки более безопасен и экономичен, поскольку для него не требуется сторонняя сторона. Этот метод лучше и надежнее, поскольку технология блочной цепи минимизирует системную ошибку.

Мы помогаем спортсменам или командам, которые нуждаются в финансовой поддержке для их работы, позволяя им распустить спортивную индустрию и позволить поклонникам инвестировать в команду в выигрыш. 33% наших сборов используются для поддержки Молодежной программы GLOBATALENT, программы финансирования для молодых спортсменов без экономических ресурсов для развития их спортивной и академической карьеры.

Продажа токенов - возможность участия.

Мы рекомендуем вам воспользоваться этой возможностью для расширения этой платформы, чтобы охватить более широкое сообщество. Мы выпустим токен под названием «GBT Token», и у нас есть данные.

Имя: маркер GBT
Он обеспечивает 500 миллионов от около 850 миллионов первичных токенов Globa (GBT).
Частный предварительный ICO будет открыт с 16 апреля 2018 года до 18 мая 2018 года.
GBT доступен: до 200 000 000 IGBT = $ 22,000,000 USD = 0.11 $ / GBT
Продажи в первый раз = Покупка с 21 мая по 23 мая 2018 года = скидка 18%, (b) Покупка с 24 мая до 27 мая 2018 года = скидка 10% бонус, май 2018 г. Скидка скидка с 28 до 31 мая = 0% ,
GBT доступен: до 300 000 000 GBT = 39 000 $ = 0,13 $ / GBT

Дорожная карта

Наша команда


Jumat, 27 April 2018


Impressio Estate - это простой и уникальный способ инвестировать в мир криптовалюты, базирующейся в Великобритании. Такой способ инвестирования - это очень просто инвестиционные энтузиасты в значительной степени во всем мире и растут свои деньги. Мы предлагаем уникальный инвестиционный план для всех типов инвесторы. Есть много людей, которые не понимают, как инвестировать в мир криптовалюты, поэтому из того, что мы преподаем и направляем для начинающих, которые хотят и интерес к инвестициям, как крупная компания, которая давно инвестировала, теперь является большим инвестором в мире.

В недавней заметке Forbes исследование Blockchain Capital показало, что 30% из тех, кто сейчас проводил небольшие инвестиции в 2016-2017 годах, показали очень быстрый рост для крупных инвесторов с компаниями,

для участия общественности. Частные инвесторы предоставляют возможность для большего количества инвесторов

участвовать в прибыли, инвестируя, поскольку Impressio имеет возможность зарабатывать деньги


Impressio считает, что криптовалютный рынок увидит невероятную сумму

рост в ближайшие годы в мире криптовалютности, не говоря уже о том, что обмен по всему миру привлекает огромный интерес всего мира для потенциальной криптовалютности и различных

с которыми они могут помочь.

Таким образом, пока Impressio продолжает расти ваши деньги, вы можете заработать немного

доход через распространение слова о большой платформе, которая может помочь вашим друзьям и родственникам

становятся более финансово независимыми. Мы понимаем, что когда дело доходит до вашего с трудом заработанных

деньги, что есть много вариантов. Есть много финансовых экспертов и консультантов, которые будут продавать

вы о преимуществах инвестирования с ними и почему у них есть только правильные акции, в

правильный сектор, специально разработанный для вашего соотношения риск-вознаграждение.


Там должны быть более удобные и безопасные варианты, когда дело доходит до ваших денег.
В Impressio мы обещаем быть будущим инвестирования и уверены, что можем предоставить
значительная отдача от ваших инвестиций. Мы очень серьезно относимся к доверию наших инвесторов и
счастлив помочь своим собственным деньгам работать на вас.



Техническая документация:

ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072


Gambar terkait


What is that?

The first decentralized platform for unique tokens, where anyone can freely own, create, configure, specify interaction rules and trade individual elements on the open market based on existing standard specifications.


Overcome the gap between blocking technology and users. This platform can be understood by every user, you do not need to be a programming expert to create your own token. Another aspect is the time that the site will provide an opportunity to find the most valuable evidence, as well as the opportunity to order tokens. Because search tokens, buyers and sellers will be able to communicate with each other.

Platform Functionality

Social platform
in the Collector's Open Area Networks can be used by individuals or groups for their specific purposes (eg, CryptoKitties).
Business sector
Any freelancer or business owner can easily take advantage of platforms and link tokens to their products or services. For example, you have a business that is still only in the development stage, and to make it more popular, and more people have learned about it, you need to "break it down", you might say, to make it a brand. And here, the Open Collectors Network platform will help you create your own token without any technical knowledge, and rename it to honor your company. Thus, it is possible to advance your idea faster, at the expense of the crypto currency market, which is very popular. And the more acknowledged your token, the more successful your business is.
Auction house
Maintain its value in public databases to increase trust between their customer base.
Virtual goods market for content creators
Ability to purchase digital assets for the purpose of using them in games or in game development process using the ERC721 standard. This means that the market offers tools for game developers to sell their products or use this product to further develop the game.
Digital media market and rights
Any digital media can be represented here. It could be pictures, music, books or something. For example, an artist can sell his work if it's digital to everyone who wants to buy this product. Similarly, digital rights associated with the ownership of digital media can be purchased and sold through the platform. The latter has the advantage of avoiding auction houses with digital rights and significantly reducing transaction costs and associated costs. Small assets, such as brand names or logos, can be directly stored in block space, while larger ones can be stored anywhere in the cloud and only cache the values ​​stored in the list. This will provide the best deals for both parties: cheap / fast storage and full reporting.
User identification
This platform aims to help partners because of new customers, where after performing user authentication in blockcheyne, you can see it creates a unique sign. Every time a user has to verify their identity with another website, it can use Metamask, to sign a transaction, confirming that he / she is the token owner with all the information, and the website can double check by using the API. The same can be applied to more casual instances of entrance to the site, and will work exactly the same as logging into Facebook or Google, except that it will be decentralized, and you will have an identity, but not an outsider.
Discount for
Platform Users Team

The project has a strong and highly qualified team, which I think is able to bring the project to the highest level in the shortest time possible and I hope they succeed.


Name - ECTO
The main element of the Open Collectors Network is the ECTO token, which is the project's internal currency. This means that any operation on the platform will be performed using this token.

CTO-token will be released on the Ethereum platform. The total is 150,000,000 tokens.

Initial value:
The cost of one token is set at level 1 ETH = 6000 ECTO. Minimum token purchases equal to 0.1 ETH

Token Distribution:

Amount -Total token for sale: 97500000 (65%)
-Sovetniki 15 000 000 (10%)
-Souchrediteli 15 000 000 (10%)
-Company: 19 500 000 (13%)
-Baunti 3 000 000 (2%)

Funds collected during ICO are distributed as follows:

On project development: 37%
-In partnership: 30
-Advertising: 20% -Legalization: 10%
-Reserve: 3%

Soft disk: 3 000 ETH
Hard cap: 15 000 ETH


ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

BotGaming - Platform Gaming For Online Betting Lovers

Along with the increase in the online gambling market, there has been a recent increase in chat communications platforms and the use of messenger-based programs (bots) that allow users to have unique and interactive experiences in the tools they have used to communicate with their friends and family. For game developers, messenger apps are a unique opportunity to create an in-depth experience where users have many options to sign in to try out new games.

Blockchain technology represents an opportunity for companies to build transparency products and platforms that provide an exceptional and fair gaming experience to players. Also removal of barriers (geographical, debt, taxation) exists as an opportunity to use Blockchain.

BotGaming combines the power of blockchain, immersion bot couriers, and our experience to design and grow a profitable online gaming business to create a blockchain supported gambling platform for bot messenger.

The following product charts generally represent in the online sports betting market, casino, poker, and lottery.

Common issues facing players in online gambling

Limited access to game accounts
Hidden costs for deposits and withdrawals
The cost of the bet is too high
A hidden term that allows the casino not to pay or withhold gifts
Aggressive marketing (email, phone calls, etc.)

The problems facing startup gambling blockchain

Low speed
The high cost of implementing smart contracts

Problem solved by BotGaming

There are no hidden terms and hidden costs
PRNGalgorithm Can be completely verified
There is no risk of bonus payments
Transaction speed in almost instant time
Payment for smart contract execution is only at the opening and closing of the game session

Features available within BotGaming:

Decent and fair service
Online wallet
Loyalty program
Appeal to users
Affiliate program
Artificial intelligence

ICO Project

For those of you interested in joining BotGaming and experiencing a new sensation in online games, BotGaming is currently running an ICO project to enable you to become part of BotGaming. For more details about what it is BotGaming please visit its official social media website




Kamis, 26 April 2018


Bittalana Coin offers a safer, more secure and better option for storing money in the form of digital currency, in which the common people have been included as well as investors.

Bitalanya Coin is an intellectual property and future currency because it says "new world order". The biggest strength of its team is that they hold strong and positive belief in digital currency. It is related to them and today they place their joint efforts in the development, establishment and acceptance of Bitcoin as a currency and a new economy.

The Billality White Paper was launched on December 31, 2017

Anyone can join the community there and stay in touch with anyone else around the world. This cryptocracy actually fulfills the purpose of globalization, which means that people around the world are involved in business. Life was established in the initial stage of the barter system, where one could exchange goods in front of other objects. More from salt and gold, but due to risks related to the issues of gold and loading, people had started avoiding it and the comparison of the world was shifted towards paper currency and compared to those of the US Dollars .

"The US Dollar has become popular and people have accepted it due to the imperium on Imimpi, the world's most secretive organization, and now the BIC has come with the intentions of the name and the new world order.

Some specifications of BIC are as follows;
22 million coins will be provided for the initial corruption fund, generated from 66 million coins, first 33.33% ie, through six phases of fifteen days, respectively. 30% of the company's promoters will be reserved for future planning and development. In addition to competitions / activities, 4% coins are reserved for giving sweepstakes and bonuses in the prize.

BAC is being developed on the world's best platform of "Bitakon" under the contract of SHA 256. BIC is established by a group of professionals of cryptocurrency. Our platform is dedicated to providing stable and secure solutions for the members to make you financial success. Bitilenty is a unique digital asset that is designed to improve network security, faster traceases, lower fees, safety and improvements in early cryptococulture of Bitcoin, Iteremum, Dash, Jackash, Monroe, OUTA and other small cryptocooconcans.



This campaign will be managed by Canoppo99
All payment will be made by LusoCoin
This campaign starts on the 19th april 2018 and will be end on the 23rd may 2018

Lowest price on private exchanges site: 0,00000147 BTC
Highest price on private exchanges site: 0,00012798 BTC

Download LUSOCoin wallet here



Every participant must join discord group.
Every participant must send Proof of Authentication to this thread before Applying.
Signature, Twitter, and Facebook campaign work will be counted everyweek after wednesday at 23.59 of forum time
Twitter and Facebook participants should report their work before wednesday at 23.59 to eligible to get payment
We reserve the right to change, modify and remove campaign rules if it is neccessary without prior notice.
We reserve the right to decrease payment rate for the upcoming week, after counting participants work for the current week
We reserve the right to disqualify any campaign participants if the they have been dishonest about their work.
We reserve the right to remove any participants for upcoming week if it is needed
Don't disscuss or asking about bounty campaign in our official discord group. All participants can ask about bounty campaign in this thread or this group
Manager campaign decision is final
Participants who do not follow the rules will not be paid.

Signature Campaign

Payment Rates:

Junior Member: 50 LUSO per post (Equivalent to 0.00007350 BTC (based on ICO price))
Member: 70 LUSO per post (Equivalent to 0.00010290 BTC (based on ICO price))
Full Member: 100 LUSO per post (Equivalent to 0.00014700 BTC (based on ICO price))
Senior Member: 500 LUSO per post (Equivalent to 0.00073500 BTC (based on ICO price))
Hero and Legendary member: 700 LUSO per post (Equivalent to 0.00102900 BTC (based on ICO price))

Signature Campaign Rules:

Must make at least 10 posts per week.
Maximum posts per week to be counted is 17, more will not be counted
Maximum post per week in local thread that allowed is 7 posts, more will not be counted.
Every participants must wear our signature code and Avatar(if possible) until the end of campaign or after I give a sign.
We don't count posts that are made in bounties, childboard, beginner and help, marketplace, services, altcoin, marketplace, gambling, off topic, meta, archival and politic section.
Change, remove or modify signature code during the campaign will be disqualified
Posts must be constructive and meaningful, spam is highly prohibited. We reserve our right to remove any participants who made spam post without pay.
accounts with negative thrust are not allowed to join this campaign

How to join:

Wear signature code and avatar(if it possible), signature codes are in second post in this thread
Send your proof of authentication to this thread before applying.
Join our discord goup or Telegram
Fill this form

Twitter Campaign

Weekly Payment Rates:

185-1999 followers: 10 LUSO
2000-3999 followers: 30 LUSO
4000-4999 followers: 50 LUSO
5000 and above : 70 LUSO
Twitter Campaign Rules

Every participant must follow our official twitter account
your audit score must be more than 85%
Only twitter accounts that have at least 185 real followers are allowed to join this campaign
Every participants must retweet and likes all of our official account tweets
Make atleast 3 original tweets about us contains this hastags #LUSOCoin #Masternode #ICO and mention to our official twitter account everyweek, maximum tweet per day is 1.
No changing number of followers after submitted the application form
Payment will be made every week

Every participant must make a new report every week(before wednesday) to get weekly payment using this format, don't quote and don't be late

How to join:

Follow our official twitter account
Send your proof of authentication to this thread before applying.
Join our Discord goup or Telegram
Fill this form

Facebook Campaign

Weekly Payment Rates:

185-1999 friends: 10 LUSO
2000-3999 friends: 30 LUSO
4000-4999 friends: 50 LUSO
5000 and above : 70 LUSO

Facebook Campaign Rules

Every participant must likes our official facebook fanpage
Only facebook account that have at least 185 friends are allowed to join this campaign
Every participant must share and likes all our official fanpage's post
Make atleast 3 original posts about our project contains this hastags #LUSOCoin #Masternode #ICO mention to our official our facebook page everyweek, maximum post per day is 1.
No changing number of friends after submitted the form
Payment will be made every week
Every participant must make a new report every week(before wednesday) to get weekly payment using this format,don't quote and don't be late.

How to join:

Like our official facebook fanpage
Send your proof of authentication to this thread before applying.
Fill this form

Youtube/Blog/Article Campaign

Payment Rates:
Good quality: 2000 LUSO
Standard quality: 1000 LUSO
Bad quality: 0

Youtube/Blog/Article Campaign Rules:

Youtube videos must be more than 2.5 minutes long, you must have atleast 75 organic subscriber
Every participant should have links to our website and whitepaper
Your article must be original and contain more than 450 word, free blogging page should have atleast 45 followers,
include your bitcointalk username at the very bottom of the post(blog) or description(video).
You will get payment based on the quality of your work
We will review your work at the end of the campaign

How to join:

Send your proof of authentication to this thread before applying.
Join our Discord goup or Telegram
Fill this form

ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

VOLT: P2P Delivery Platform based on Blockchain


VOLT is a stage that allows unifying stages, for example, Uber, to be produced in a decentralized way and empower the transport of coordinates through P2P. Uber and different models assume part of the Central Control as a broker and get a minimum of 20%. The P2P coordinate setting of VOLT is an advanced model that expects to dispose of financial costs by bringing direct costs to clients and ambassadors, to below 5%, or even in a plan to take in total.


VOLT is a decentralized platform.No intermediary or brokerage, which leads to lower cost offered to customers, and also maximize profits for the messenger.


At VOLT, we offer a transparent environment. All customers and couriers or shipping companies benefit from privacy and transparency of costs and expenses.


A secure payment system that allows two P2P entities to be confirmed to send and receive money held in VOLT Tok token

Same Day Delivery

Same day delivery VOLT shorten delivery time to 1-5 hours, while 1-3 days in existing online shopping center. Hub & spoke is a system that collects all the items to be shipped, grouped them, and then delivered to their destination. This means that every package that will be shipped from 32nd Street to 54th Street in Manhattan, NY will be sent to Delaware for classification and sent back to Manhattan. This is time consuming and also leads to huge warehousing costs.
To overcome this inefficiency, a courier located near the 32nd street only collects what will be sent nearby and sends it as P2P so it can be delivered within a few hours.

Sales Plan Token VOLT

Total Token issued:
Total tokens on sale: 2,000,000,000

Sales Order: 200,000,000
Pre-Sales: 600,000,000
Public Sales: 1,200,000,000

How it works

The VOLT business model connects customers and couriers, and provides customized algorithms that utilize Big Data and a suitable system that uses smart contracts for easy service delivery. Customers need VOLT coins to use the service.
When shipping food, goods, shipping distance, time taken, taking into account the weight of the goods will be determined in accordance with the number of difficulty of work. We call this work unit "Jula". For example, if the customer wants to send the item to a point called A 2km away and you need 600 Jula, and 1200 Jula is required to send the same item to B point 6km away. VOLT is developing an optimal algorithm to calculate this amount of work, and will introduce the lowest (auction) auction system for some special shipments.

VOLT coins are required for service buyers to request delivery. That is, to request a certain amount of Jula performance, the corresponding VOLT coin is used. This ratio of Jula to VOLT coins is not always constant. The first Jula to VOLT coin ratio starts at 1: 1. The ratio may change according to the price in the market.

Token Flow

A client who needs administration can buy coins from Exchange. A client will buy 100 coins for the benefit of a conveyance that costs 100 coins. The client will pay 100 coins to VOLT where VOLT connects the request to the dispatcher. After the administration is completed, VOLT swap 95 coins to the dispatcher. About 5% (the rate can be changed according to reinforcing benefits) of the coin is used as a commission for organizational benefits. Organizations offer received coins to Exchange to generate revenue.

Earnings are used to maintain the organization or provide benefits to VOLT investors, but not to coin holders. If by chance this procedure undergoes a cycle, the coin demand will definitely be higher than the supply of the Exchange, thus causing a higher cost for the coin. Calculation mixture and current coin value, VOLT change the value of coin / Jula. In the long run, the coin / Jula rate will increase, and along this line is ready to have a higher Jula with 1 VOLT Coin. Moreover, further builds Jula's estimation.


JaeWoo Lee:
Mr. Jae Woo Lee is co-founder and CEO of Vogo Fund Asset Management Co., widely recognized as Korea's first private equity fund management company. Before establishing Vogo in 2005, Mr. Lee is the country's CEO at Lehman Brothers Korea, where he built a significant investment banking and capital market platform. Since starting his financial career at Citibank, he has spent the last 35 years in various areas of finance in Hong Kong and Seoul. Lee has led the Korea Personal Equity Association for several years and advises the Korean government as a member of the Financial Market Development Committee.

The above information is what VOLT is trying to implement through ICO.
The following is the content of the project that has been implemented by the VOLT team since 2016.



ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

The First All-In-One Cryptocurrency Exchange


BitEsprit is where clients can store and pull back fiat, exchange an extensive variety of cryptographic forms of money including Bitcoin and altcoins, secure BitEsprit check card connected to their records to quickly get to the assets for them adjusts, duplicate different brokers revenue driven, Use wide range of devices and pointers on their graphs, and significantly more. With a proven and competent posting stock in ICO tokens, BitEsprit will turn into the go-to altcoin trade, and a worldwide pioneer in digital money exchange schemes.

BitEsprit is here to furnish a top of the line quality interface with imaginative exchanging administrations where dealers have everything they need for their exchanging exercises. Due to this new exhaustive approach, BitEsprit will be an unique cryptographic money trade that is custom fitted towards making altcoin-fiat exchange standard. The incalculable occasions of hacking to which digital currency trades fell casualties, causing billions of dollars worth of client assets to fall into wrong hands, is a certain indication of an issue with security on cryptographic money trades that must be tended to. The best answer for this issue is for crypto trades to assemble their data foundations in a way that agrees to strict security models. The BitEsprit trade will highlight in excess of 100 cryptographic forms of money to exchange against significant digital currencies and also against fiat monetary standards, and will work with a low charge structure, half of which will be payable with BEC (see below). Our trade will encourage duplicate exchanging near basic purchasing and offering of digital forms of money, and it will also make it feasible for our customers to have their own BitEsprit check cards issued that are connected to the fiat supports on their client accounts. Our trade will also have progressed, worked in graphing arrangement with the goal that everything goes to the entryways of BitEsprit's customers in a single web based exchange stage. and will work with a low charge structure, half of which will be payable with BEC (see below). Our trade will encourage duplicate exchanging near basic purchasing and offering of digital forms of money, and it will also make it feasible for our customers to have their own BitEsprit check cards issued that are connected to the fiat supports on their client accounts. Our trade will also have progressed, worked in graphing arrangement with the goal that everything goes to the entryways of BitEsprit's customers in a single web based exchange stage. and will work with a low charge structure, half of which will be payable with BEC (see below). Our trade will encourage duplicate exchanging near basic purchasing and offering of digital forms of money, and it will also make it feasible for our customers to have their own BitEsprit check cards issued that are connected to the fiat supports on their client accounts. Our trade will also have progressed, worked in graphing arrangement with the goal that everything goes to the entryways of BitEsprit's customers in a single web based exchange stage. and it will also make it feasible for our clients to have their own BitEsprit check cards issued that are connected to the fiat supports on their client accounts. Our trade will also have progressed, worked in graphing arrangement with the goal that everything goes to the entryways of BitEsprit's customers in a single web based exchange stage. and it will also make it feasible for our clients to have their own BitEsprit check cards issued that are connected to the fiat supports on their client accounts. Our trade will also have progressed, worked in graphing arrangement with the goal that everything goes to the entryways of BitEsprit's customers in a single web based exchange stage.

To give bleeding edge security to our customers' assets and information, we will create in consistency with ISO 27001 and PCI DSS benchmarks, and will procure the endorsements for the two standards of the official dispatch. Besides, our site will be AML / KYC agreeable, could be open through https: // convention , will be secured by equipment firewalls, and will store customers' assets in cool wallets. If there should be an occurrence of any vindictive assaults or even unapproved access to client accounts, our day in and day out help line will be noteworthy to determine the issue.

BitEsprit will empower clients to exchange altcoins against fiat monetary standards. This implies other than the three basic digital forms of money (BTC, ETH, BEC), three fiat monetary standards, to be specific USD, GBP, and EUR, will be made accessible as the base monetary standards for exchanging. Afterward, other neighborhood monetary standards will also be tradeable as base monetary standards. The trade has a 0.15% trade expense. Our customers will have the capacity to store and pull back fiat monetary forms to / from their BitEsprit accounts be sides the digital forms of money marketable on our stage. Also, we will incorporate the installment arrangements of PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, and China UnionPay, to make it simpler for you to move on our stage.


BitEsprit mission is to eliminate the barriers of entry into the altcoin trading ecosystem for both traders and promising new projects looking to get traction. Their exchange will help traders who have been struggling with the lack of direct access to altcoins, the lack of trading expertise, unusable user interfaces, and insecure exchanges, among others. Additionally, altcoin developers have also experienced major problems caused by the exorbitant fees exchanges charge for new ICO tokens to be listed in their selections. Therefore, it is also our aim to provide these projects with equal opportunities in gaining access to liquidity to help them grow without being subjected to such financial barriers as unreasonably high listing fees. These factors have been affecting all cryptocurrency traders to a certain extent,


Listing your token after a successful ICO will not be a problem anymore, due to our ICO token listing program in which we list promising and trusted crypto projects with qualified teams free of charge.


Our multi-cryptocurrency wallet online, which is completely separate from the exchange, will be the best place to store your crypto assets. You will be the sole owner of your private keys, while being one click away from placing funds on the BitEsprit exchange to start trading.


BitEsprit incorporates its native ERC20 compatible token called BEC, soon obtainable through our next ICO, which can be used for discounted use of the function copy trading, discount on trading fees, and more.


Our platform uses advanced software technology to minimize the load on the user's device in order to make it possible for traders on entry-level devices to enjoy a smooth user experience. To eliminate obstacles caused by language barriers, BitEsprit will support multiple languages.

100,000,000 BEC
70,000,000 BEC (70%)
$ 15,000,000
$ 43,756,410
03 April 2018 16:00 CET
27 April 2018 16:00 CET
$ 0.85
$ 50
$ 1,000
$ 0.30TIER 1
$ 0 - $ 5,000,000
$ 0.50TIER 2
$ 5,000,000 - $ 10,000,000
$ 0.65TIER 3
$ 10,000,000 - $ 20,000,000




ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

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