Kamis, 06 Juni 2019

Refine Medium

Refine Medium; Earn crypto by producing and watching videos

Kids making money for themselves? Tell me more!

Have you seen the blockchain video uploading platform Refine Medium? Are you interested in making cryptocurrency while watching videos? Refine Medium is a video uploading platform on the blockchain but it is way more than that. You can use this platform to chat on the forums, run elections and choose your own moderators, and make sure that everything is up to par while you are earning some good old hard cash, in the form of Ethereum.

I watch a lot of Netflix, but my kids tend to watch youtube videos because they are more interested in gamers and gaming videos. Sometimes they watch funny videos or magic videos, but they mostly like gaming videos. What if they could make money while watching all those videos? Then they could buy digital goods, especially those dreaded Roblox stuff that tend to cost me a lot of money over time. I, as a parent, would really appreciate such a service that puts my kids' curiosity to good use.

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platform and Elections :What I like most about the platform is that they will hold elections and you will get to select your own moderators. This means that administrators will get to deserve their job and they will lose their privileges if they abuse their power. Decentralized moderation is the next big thing, and it is light years ahead of centralized moderation in terms of democracy and merit.Here is a short and sweet video explaining Refine Medium:

Important Features

One of the features I like about this platform is that the uploading will be user friendly. We all agree that blockchain is not the most accessible technology to be used by grandma and grandpa, and these types of platforms are needed to make it easy on old people, on kids, and on technology ignorant. Although technology ignorance is no longer a good excuse, having such user-friendly platforms is suitable for blockchain adoption.

The data is very secure since blockchain keeps all the data fragmented on different nodes, all over the world. Even someone gets a hold of your information on one of the computers; your data will still be safe because only a fragment of the data will be on the hacked computer, and it will not make sense to the hacker. Besides, copies of the data will be on different computers, which will make hacking, modifying, or changing the data an impossibility unless you hand your private key to third parties. This technology makes not only your data but your reputation as secure as it can be with today’s technology, which is the blockchain.

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As any youtuber will tell you, influencers make almost all of the money, and the small guy does not get anything. That is why people suggest new YouTubers not to place ads on their videos. You should get people’s attention first, and then put ads, because you don't want your audience to be distracted by ads when they first come across your channel and you want more subscribers.

AUTHOR: Gambangcity
ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

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