Jumat, 14 Juni 2019



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INTRODUCTION because when we know it is an ancient place of mankind, at the same time to ask for solutions or look for wherever I want to do it. Placed and placed below to ask for answers to the answers submitted, by asking for authorization to be carried out in accordance with the requested to be carried out in accordance with what was requested to be done. Enter into separation there, since the internet entry. This place has been started since a popular place, because it can be done separately. All that is needed is to get to the worst place and every place will be given to the place provided. This is why the possibility like DABANKING was asked to notify this application. Also there are so many themes made in the game industry,DABANKAN is a blockchain that I am making so I decide to do the same things I do. To achieve this, DABANKING told him because he also asked to do the same because he also made games like that because he made games like that too. DABANKING at least to make the right solution based on gambling protocols and also to be popular and fair, efficient in chips, also stable. DABANKING will also be removed so that it will reduce by the new quarter. Give your choice to have the option to decide whether to request the same number of requests as I did
DABANKING is here to solve all this. Some of the problems included

• Taxes Received and Excepted for Money

• Not sure

• The need is big

• Extraordinary opportunities

• Negative negative reputation

• Associated with Safety and Safety


To have the option to purchase a FomoJackpot Ticket, you need a PC that introduces Metamask or Wallet Trust on your phone. In addition, there must be ETH in your wallet to buy tickets.

When you buy a ticket, you will also mine DAA Tokens. For every 0.05 ETH you use to buy a ticket, you can mine the DAA Token. The Profit Pool will contain 10% of all ETH tickets obtained and all benefits from FomoJackpot. When periodically, a collection of profits will be paid as indicated by the structure:

70% of the ETH in the collection is separated from all records that have established the DAA Token.
30% of the profit group will be added to the profit group the next 2 weeks.

Every DABANKING user is     entitled to benefit from the platform Reference program so that when you introduce newcomers who buy tickets through your own reference link, you get unlimited income up to 17% for 10 levels as shown below:

Level 1: 6% 

Level 2: 4 % 

Level 3: 2% 

Level 4: 1% 

Level 5: 1% 

Level 6: 1% 

Level 7: 0.5% 

Level 8: 0.5% 

Level 9: 0.5% 

Level 10: 0.5%

HOW DOES THE DABANKING PLAN TO MAKE POSITIVE CHANGE IN GAMING INDUSTRYDABANKAN is a blockchain that I am making so I decide to do the same things I do. To achieve this, DABANKING told him because he also asked to do the same because he also made games like that because he made games like that too. DABANKING at least to make the right solution based on gambling protocols and also to be popular and fair, efficient in chips, also stable. DABANKING will also be removed so that it will reduce by the new quarter. Give your choice to have the option to decide whether to request the same number of requests as I did.

Also, one of the major failures of the DABANKING program is known as the Fomo of the Fomo application. When you search by trying to make a decision, a group of innovations that have made me do with the theme. the point. DABANKING оffеrѕ decentralization аutоnоmоuѕ lоttеrу рlаtfоrm whісh wіll bоundаrу реnеtrаtе general lоttеrу industry аnd wіll сrеаtе a lоttеrу fаіr есоѕуѕtеm wіth high раrtісіраntѕ ‘рrоfіt rаtеѕ, mіnіmіzе аnd thеіr lоѕѕеѕ when participants received wіnnіng рrіzеѕ.

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INCOME DIVIDENDS – REVIEWED REASONS must add 10% of all ETH price tags offered and also all fomogames. In addition, dividends are likely to be paid to us every week

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• Think about the blockchain relating to failures that make the majority of people get a big response, CONTINUING there will be benefits in other industries if there are other benefits in the gambling industry;

• Reduction of operating costs due to enactment which will make payments greater for users.

• Offers provide assistance with ways to monetize their money by making a decision to make a game after it has been announced.

• Success in the risk of attack.

• Previously from the official platform based on the DABANKING network to activate transparent bets that were clearly open.

• Transparency: DABANKING is transparency as recording all transactions is carried out on a lower chance that there may be possibilities for the public.

• Right: Because there is no smart contract, we are not in the original place of the controlling body.

• Of course: Users may be close to the key place for what will create opportunities anywhere because it happens.

• Answer: DABANKING has helped the right gift mechanism for developing projects.


DABANKING GROUP has made DAA tokens really can be expressed as important solutions in DABANKING’s biological answers. DAA Token is the main answer that will be used for transactions on the page. This is a driver for the project.


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DABANKING has the opportunity to make it when it starts, where each user can use or repair the file. Search for their newly created place, place and other bets with some new results. And sometimes in the right determination of the market, all is to use the DABANKING TABLE which is structured to be the launching place for all that needs to be done.


Uername Profil BTT: Gambangcity
ETH Adress: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

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