Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

Ferrum Network

Ferrum Network - Network for Financial Applications

Ferrum Network is the first high-speed interoperability network built for real-world financial applications. The Ferrum Network based DAG protocol layer can be connected to any blockchain, and allows peer-to-peer transactions of each digital asset in milliseconds for network costs that are almost zero.

Vertically integrated financial applications that run on the network empower people to control their financial lives. The Fiat gateway fiat network is a fast and inexpensive platform for users to buy and sell digital currencies with fiat money. Breakthrough technology even allows users to transfer fiat peer-to-peer currencies, without banking intermediaries.

You can imagine using the solution provided by the Ferrum Network platform, users can send BTC at high speed but at a lower cost or send digital assets to other people without intermediaries. All of these things can become a reality thanks to Ferrum Network.

The Ferrum network aims to build from groups to peer-to-peer networks that support interoperability between blockchains and increase scalability. Being a blockchain modeled on DAG, Ferrum Network is used as a decentralized exchange that supports almost zero transaction costs, imports and exports coins and tokens from external networks, exchange tokens and payment solutions for everyday life, and so on.

The Ferrum Network Key Features

Cross Chain Interoperability
next generation protocol designed to connect with each blockchain

High Speed ​​and Low Cost
peer-to-peer transactions that confirm in milliseconds are about 1 cent in network costs

Integrated Line of Financial Products
buy, exchange, transact, and store any digital assets using sophisticated financial applications that run on the network

Launch with Users and Network Utilities
real products, real users, proven business practices.


Ferrum Network Technology

DAG ledger
Decentralized ledgers are similar to blockchain but are designed for fast transactions, minimal network costs and no miners

Interoperability Network
Innovating in cross-chain solutions, Ferrum can operate with any blockchain / network

Decentralized Proxy Tokens
Decentralized proxy tokens with guaranteed stability allow the exchange / transaction of any digital assets, including digital fiat

High Frequency Trading
Native support for moving assets outside the chain and trading and high frequency transactions at a nominal fee

FRM Token
Network gas, FRM tokens are spent and burned for every transaction on the network

Token Name: FRM

Token type: OWN WALLET

ICO Token Price: 1 FRM = 0.01680 USD

Fundraising Goal: 6,000,000 USD

Total Tokens: 1,000,000,000

Available for Token Sale: 40%

Import / Export Value
Ferrum is designed to import / export values, including fiat currencies

Products Supported by the Ferrum Network

Kudi Exchange Fiat Gateway
Buy and sell cryptocurrency faster and cheaper using the Fiat Network Ferrum Network gateway, starting with West Africa exchanges and our cellular wallets - the first in Africa to offer stable coins pegged in a fully regulated US Dollar and the ability to send fiat peer- currencies to-peer.

UniFyre Wallet

Perform any digital asset transactions without risking the other party using UniFyre Wallet, which offers revolutionary capabilities such as risk-free OTC trading, instant market trading and safety features to prevent accidental losses.



Naeim Yeganeh, PhD
Founder, CEO and Main Developer

Ian M. Teman, Esq.
Co-Founder, COO and General Counsel

Pokey, MSErik Powers, CFA
Financial Strategist

Dominik Swierkot
Head marketing

Hodjar Homaei, PhD
Senior Engineer and Product Leader

Afshin Abadi, PhDI
Quantitative Data Science

turan Pokey, MS
Distributed System Expert


Anton Uvarov, PhD
Senior Strategic Advisor

Etiënne VantKruys
Senior advisor

Emeka Enu, MBA
Marketing and Business Development

Germaine Ifudu, PMP
Senior Blockchain Advisor

More info:

AUTHOR: Gambangcity
ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

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