Selasa, 14 Mei 2019



Gambar mungkin berisi: teks


Blockchain makes history by transferring power from centralized enterprises into the hands of consumers.

This allowed people to manage their own assets without the intervention of banks, brokers or

institutional monitors.

This is a long-awaited necessity, as people today take too much risk, letting their crypto assets
controlled by the central organization. They do not understand that it is not they, but wallets, exchanges and loans.

Platforms controlling their assets. Consequently, they gave up control over their identity, confidentiality and

money, because they believe that they have no choice. But no more. We aim to be access

point that gives people this choice.

BtcCredit is a universal decentralized wallet that gives you complete control over Blockchain assets.
Hold, exchange, lend, lend, invest and bet.

This document describes the structure of the next generation decentralized banking ecosystem, which is based on

decentralized multicurrency wallet, decentralized p2p lending and decentralized p2p exchange

P2P Lending Market Analysis

It is quoted that “according to Morgan Stanley, the global market market for lending can reach
$ 290bn. by 2020, with an expected cumulative annual growth rate of 51% from 2014 to 2020. "

Credit Market Correction

Today, interest rates adjusted for inflation in different countries vary depending on the available liquidity. AT

high market liquidity, Europe, interest rates are in the range of 0.5-5%, in Russia 12-15%, in India 12% and in

Brazil 32%. This indicates a clear disparity in the distribution of access to the lending market between

world. We believe that this inequality between borrowers should be smoothed out and a huge market
value can be created in the process, especially with the help of arbitration capabilities.

Banks charge 5–12% interest on loans and reimburse you 0–1% for keeping your assets. WITH
the growth of cryptocurrency and blockchain, now you can become your own banking institution.
BtcCredit makes this a reality for you. Not only that, you decide who you want to lend money to,
what interest rate, and it is in what mode. All this is available thanks to Blockchain technology at

How it works?

As a creditor, the user logs in and replenishes his USDT-generated wallet. System

creates a credit profile in which its acceptable credit parameters are recorded. Creditor profile
becomes part of the "credit market".

As a borrower, the user logs in with his generated bitcoin wallet. Bitcoin means in
wallet forms a pledge against a potential loan. Borrowing requirement also becomes part of

"Credit market".

The internal logic of the system automatically matches and offers existing loans and borrowers. Borrower or

The lender can also manually select from a set of loan offers or borrower requirements.
Once a loan is chosen, and both parties agree with the parameters in the book, the “handshake” is said to have

will happen, which will lead to the deployment of a smart contract on the Ethereum network.
The borrower's wallet will be funded by the requested USDT, and a repayment schedule will be created.

P2P Crypto Exchange

This is the second main feature of the platform, which aims to provide users with an ecosystem.
where they can directly exchange cryptocurrencies with each other in the decentralized P2P market.
No third organization will interfere with the functioning of this decentralized P2P market, as it will
directly controlled and maintained by the software supported by Blockchain. Therefore, the current

Gambar mungkin berisi: teks

The system will automatically be able to associate buyers with sellers based on the conditions they prefer.

● The lender logs in

● transfers funds to your wallet

● Places a sell order

● sell order goes on sale

● The buyer checks the range of available sell orders.

● Buyer and seller match

● Buyer and seller agree on the best price

● Buyer satisfies demand and transfers funds

● The transaction is completed

● Seller receives funds in his wallet

Road map

Q4 2018
P2P Crypto Loan System Launch
The journey begins with borrowing, launching a peer-to-peer crypto-credit system.
A smart contract for Ethereum
LDT Token Contract, BTCC Token Contract.

Q1 2019
Run the USDT credit system
Users can borrow USDT with the support of LDT and Smart Contract tokens
Getting applications available on mobile phones
Getting a mobile-compatible Lending platform.

Obtaining licenses
Purchase of a crypto-wallet and credit licenses
Crypto wallet launch

Q2 2019
The list of BTCC tokens in our credit system.

Users can now lend using BTCC tokens and can use BTCC as security.

Starting P2P Exchange
Launch of the Peer-to-Peer cryptocurrency exchange platform.

3 quarter 2019
Launch plan
Starting a tariff plan for an investor who will benefit from participating in the BTCC / BTC as a bet
ALT coin lending and collateral
Users can now borrow with Alt Coins and can use Alt Coins as collateral.

Q4 2019
Crowdfunding platform
Peer Crowd Funding Platform


Srirang Muli
Kirankumar Kapoor
Mayur Shrivastav

Advisory team
Jason H. Young


MY  AUTHOR: Gambangcity
ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

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