Jumat, 24 Mei 2019



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Blockchain semakin dikenal di web dan, inilah pelajaran intensif cepat jika Anda baru saja menemukan istilah 'blockchains', apa itu dan bagaimana klub-klub kasino blockchain bekerja. Awalnya, Anda harus memahami apa itu blockchains. Di atas semua itu, blockchain adalah catatan tingkat lanjut yang digunakan untuk merekam pertukaran dan transaksi online yang menggunakan mata uang digital. Pertukaran dicatat secara berurutan dan dapat diakses secara bebas.
Selain itu, aturan dan prosedur dapat dihubungkan ke platform kasino online. Ini memberi Anda munculnya seharusnya klub blockchain yang menerapkan inovasi blockchain untuk taruhan internet. Dampak dari hal ini adalah memberikan kredibilitas total terhadap taruhan berbasis web. 
Salah satu kendala dan masalah terbesar yang terkait dengan platform kasino online terpusat adalah bahwa tidak semua dari mereka transparan dan dapat dipercaya. Pada akhirnya, sebagian besar platform kasino online tempat informasi mendasar seperti pembayaran, hasil permainan, hadiah sengaja dijauhkan dari para pemain. Dalam kasus apa pun, platform game blockchain adalah jenis klub judi online yang benar-benar baru dan sepenuhnya didesentralisasi, tanpa persyaratan bagi orang luar untuk mengonfirmasi transaksi dan pertukaran yang dilakukan. Ini mendorong kepercayaan dan transparansi dalam industri perjudian, itulah sebabnya AIO CASINO telah memperkenalkan platform kasino blockchain baru untuk pemain di seluruh dunia.

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The AIO CASINO platform has introduced a series of games on its platform where players in the world have enjoyed various games on the platform and it is believed that there will be a wave of players at AIO CASINO after being fully launched. One of the benefits that you get when playing on the AIOCASINO gambling platform includes: GAMEPLAY FAIR, WITHOUT LIMITATION OF COUNTRIES, FAST AND FINE TRANSACTIONS, BENEFITS OF AIO HOLDERS and INSTANT WITHDRAWALS.

The emergence of blockchain technology has made gambling easier than a few years ago. With the AIO CASINO platform the game has been made simple for new and existing players to play coupled with good payments and returns on all games. The AIO CASINO game feature will definitely attract players around the world after it is fully launched.

There were many casino platforms before the launch of AIOCASINO but none of them really could match AIOCASINO in terms of transaction speed, big profits and big dividend payment prizes for token holders and many more offers on the platform.

AIOCASINO has introduced the AIOTOKEN token known as AIO which will be used for various activities after the platform is fully launched


Symbol Token => AIO

Token Supply => 2,900,000 AIO

Sales Supply => 2,030,000 AIOs

Blockchain Type => ETHEREUM

Token Type => ERC20


60% is allocated to sell tokens

15% is allocated to Corporate Funds

10% is allocated for pre-sales

10% Allocated for Teams & Advisors

5% is allocated for Marketing and Gift Programs

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40% is allocated to Marketing

30% allocated for marketing

15% allocated for operational costs

10% is allocated for liquidity

5% is allocated for Legal


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ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

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