Sabtu, 16 Maret 2019



direct and secure transactions in the market through use tokens

Good evening for all lovers of cryptocurrency: I had the opportunity to find a platform that provides innovation and revolution for content creation and the entertainment industry. This platform is none other than Aquers What makes the platform unique is patronage worthy and innovative, not only because it is a content creation platform (vlogger), but also because using blockchain technology goes beyond other traditional content switching platforms, which is why this platform the fastest and most reliable. Platform for increasing content creation. AQER is here to close the gap between content creators and content viewers. The team behind AQER is very familiar with other content platforms and has seen loopholes. They develop exceptional and technology-focused systems that make content creation and content search easy and useful.

The aim of AQER is the introduction of a special market on which
Content seekers and creators can meet and interact to

to take advantage of the combined benefits of blockchain and artificial intelligence technology.
Our solution is the AQER Blockchain Marketplace.

From a user perspective, the AQER platform consists mainly of two parts: Ranking Engine, supported by AI techniques, which processes KPI vloggers and creates market vlogger rankings, in which both parties are safe, transparent, and easy within the brand Transacting transactions can perform competitions with vloggers. AQER revenues are for commissions only (no startup fees), with transaction costs only starting at 2% to quickly gain traction and market share (transaction costs will increase to 4% from 2021).


• AQER is the first blockchain marketplace where content seekers and content producers share services and rights in a user-friendly and transparent way.

• Brands can efficiently filter and filter vloggers to find partners that are fit for purpose.

• Using a patented artificial intelligence algorithm, vloggers are considered transparent and based on different KPIs.

• There is no intermediary between content creators and content seekers, so brands pay less and produce more vloggers.

• Vloggers can be contacted directly or participate in contests initiated by the brand to produce promotional videos.

• Blockchain provides the highest level of transparency and the ability to automatically enforce agreed entertainment rights.

• The AQER platform provides direct and secure transactions on the market via the AQER tokens (tokens).


AQER would like to take the creation of content (vlogger) and entertainment to another level by helping its users

(a) Provide intelligent contracts: Intelligent contracts have proven properties that can not be achieved in any other contract mode because they are digital and block-based. Smart contracts can not be changed; time-efficient, intelligent contracts can be executed on their own. AQER combines smart is a sign that experts act as team members.

(B) Wallets: Blockchain enthusiasts are seriously looking for safe wallets. With the AQER wallet, users can be sure that their tokens are secure with smooth payments and a payout interface.

(c) Artificial intelligence algorithms: Integrate artificial intelligence with the fact that the blockchain technology is a guarantee of speed and automation.

It is also a blockchain-based token market used for transactions. In the context of media management. An intelligent platform for contract and entertainment content building on the blockchain offers advantages to competitors, as the blockchain technology guarantees transparency, fairness, eternity, scalability, and finance / security.


AQER stands for artificial intelligence for entertainment rights. The unique AQER ecosystem is a technical structure that provides users with financial freedom and is easily accessible to content viewers. The AQER token will have a higher demand immediately after the positive price, resulting in a financial boost for AQER users.


Diagram shows the intended AQER ecosystem design that gives users easy access to various useful features.


-Blockchain technology

- AI algorithm

-SERC technology

-AQER token

-Walette "BDW"

aqer 3.JPG

Below are the team members and their level of experience.

aqer 1.JPG

aqer 2.JPG

Visit for information on selling tokens. Register here to participate in the sale
Further information can be found on

the website:

AUTHOR:  Gambangcity
ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

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