SATURN NETWORK Platform for Decentralized Exchange and Liquidity Provider for Crypto Market in the Future of World Development
Cryptocurrency exchange is a platform where cryptocurrency assets are traded for fiat and vice versa. Blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency industry have begun to make a big impact and play a leading role that led to a major technological revolution and this affects almost every area of our lives including health, business and even academics, even the growth projected from this industry is estimated at more than $ 2 trillion in 2020. The general public that accepts the digital currency industry is the main reason for its growth and the fact is that IT will continue to grow and lead us to a truly revolutionary new world, a world where there are possibilities without limits. and if you can think about it then you can do it
The universe of cryptographic money can be confusing. The idea of unregulated computerized cash that exists solely on the PC system and which really holds incentives in reality can be difficult to understand, as is the innovation behind advanced monetary standards such as Bitcoin and many altcoins out there today.
One thing that stands out among the most difficult ideas in the cypto domain is more likely than the absence of the possibility of a decentralized independent organization. DAO is a new hierarchical plan that is intended to work in many ways by tinkering but besides being as simple as one might expect.
Utilizing blockchain-based database technology, DAO is an association that can copy the same elements from an ordinary company or business, but the important thing is that it will not be hampered in the administration borne by the advisory group administration.
Eliminating people from this activity seems strange to many people, which is why DAO works so hard to get. In all actuality, a DAO can theoretically run itself basically all uncertainly without messing around with people. Saturn Network is DAO decentralized trade that is good with all EVM blockchain. Our mission is to make the future more enjoyable for digital currency trading, where every broker realizes that he is working at an equal stage. Where market information cannot be improved and records cannot be suspended.
Saturn is an exchange which is a symbiosis of comfort and security, exchanging these atoms directly from crypto assets and providing guarantees to third parties.
Saturn was created with the aim of creating a new market atmosphere that is liquid and guarantees its security on the table.
Saturn is an Exchange Trading Platform and OTC designated Cryptocurrency which stands on the cross cross chain protocol. The Saturn team has plans to provide P2P exchange services for traders, investors, companies and brokers
XSAT Token
XSAT tokens are tokens that play an important role in Saturn which is assigned to Saturn's infrastructure and business model. while the task for the Saturn Team itself is to achieve liquidity tokens, and use tokens as payment instruments that can be used to buy goods.
This XSAT will also be used as quotation assets on the following Saturn services: exchange and counter, auction and escrow transactions.
And XSAT TOKENS is a utility token that will be used for transactions in the platform and that is important for the SATURN platform business model. This is a 75% ERC-20 token planned to be sold during the sale of tokens. Private sales starting November - December 2018 to 250,000 000 XSAT.
Price of 1 XSAT = $ 0.075, pre-sale price is $ 0.1 per XSAT token and general selling price of 1 XSAT = $ 0.125. payments received include BTC, ETH, EOS, BCH, LTC, XMR, XRP, DASH. This will be used as a quote asset on Saturn's service. (For further ICO details see the link below for more details), don't let that go away. It's amazing isn't it?
SATURN EXCHANGE / PLATFORM TRATING WILL BE A TRADING PLATFORM among all trading platforms. Being part of this great innovation is part of the SATURN PLATFORM.
Token Info
Token Name: SATURN
Platform Token: Ethereum
Token type: ERC223
Price at ICO: 0.0092 USD
Receive Payment: ETH
Distributed at ICO: 50%
Tokens for sale: 500,000,000
SoftCap: 1675 ETH
HardCap: 10,000 ETH
Investor choice for various financial specialists:
Our important financial specialist program offers you some additional designs (10%, 25% or half) to approve various periods of bolts. We use DAP HODL to cryptographically secure your tokens, a smart input that you sign with your wallet. This means your SATURN tokens will be completely protected and not held anywhere. DApp will allow you to recover your tokens once marked once the bolt has passed.
Main ICO for special ICO finance specialists who want to get their SATURN tokens instantly.
Ethereum Classic Convention dispatched sales, we also offer the possibility to contribute with ETC and buy DAO Classic Saturn tokens ahead of schedule. Allows you to directly increase the first DEX shipment to the blockchain Ethereum Classic.
Saturn Platform Team
For further information or join ICO visite this page:
Bitcointalk thread:
- Saturn Official Group:
- Saturn Official Channel:
- Saturn Official Bounty:
AUTHOR: Gambangcity
ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072
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