Kamis, 15 November 2018


INTRODUCTION TO THE WOLKERS (Providing a new and dynamic way to share files and data)

Hello friend. If you are interested in joining the OutOfTheCloud project, it is worth reading the reviews that will help you to get information about the vision and mission of the OutOfTheCloud project:

The OutCloud system was designed for the first time exclusively for use in a private detective agency as a way to securely deliver relevant material to customers who often included large video, document, audio and image files. Other file sharing services available at that time were associated with serious security issues and had no form of presentation. Existing file sharing services also require the recipient to download files one by one before they can even be viewed, and require users to provide them with many invasive permissions even for using their system. It was simply an unacceptable way of doing business in this particular industry

What is OutCloud System, Inc.?

Unlike other IKOs you have studied, OutCloud Systems, Inc. really has a work program. OutCloud Systems, Inc. has developed a delivery platform to send multiple large multimedia files and far beyond the normal file exchange to create dynamic and instantaneous stream of these files in a safe, secure and fully customizable view that can be personalized to each recipient.


Files and data are being threatened. The
leading file sharing services use a central high vulnerable storage for storing important files and also requires their users to have full access to their workstations and files. They do not only require large files from the sender, but also the recipient. This practice puts your data at risk, which often threatens the security of the user's computer, and may lead to infection by the virus, as many computer viruses infect the computer during the boot process. There are very terrible stories.

Zero on Offer

Most file sharing services do not offer solutions for hosting files shared with their systems. Just boring links for your receiver to download. Perhaps it does not look like a problem, but it allows the recipient to see all the files at a glance, without having to download the actual files or intrusive program. Our system is designed so that our users can create customized secure website or presentation toolbar, which can also be branded as part of the company or website the sender's, complete with a personal greeting message and a personal text message to the intended recipient . It looks like Wix ™, but for big files.
good storage space. The large storage space (gigabyte) required by using file sharing requires the recipient to download and install the invasion program before viewing files. This requires unnecessary space, time and effort on the part of the receiver.
Share redundancy

Our competitors, which allow the sharing of large files, can not make changes after the file has been sent. If someone accidentally sends the wrong file, nothing can be done about this. This can be a very expensive mistake in cases where confidential information has been sent to the wrong person. Our system allows you to make real-time changes even after the link has already been sent and the changes are made immediately.
Our solution

Safe and safe
Your files and data will be stored in secure and closed directories, encrypted, analyzed and located throughout the chain of the chain. Decentralized storage - this is impeccable security.
Property view.

Your customers will be able to see your files in a secure viewer, which you can do with custom brands and positioning.

Nothing to install.

All you need is internet access, a computer and a web browser.

Custom Branding

You can watermark a banner at the top of our viewer directly to your videos and post a link to the video. In addition, you can drag to where you want to display your files in your listing.

About the sign: Coin name: OutCloud

CoinPlatform: Ethereum

Symbol: OFF

The total coin: snabzhenie1,2000000,000

Up-ICO: 300,000,000

ICO Supply: 400 000 000

Accepted contributions: the ETH

protocol: ERC20

Minimum amount: 10 USD (Amt in ETH.)

Spread of tokens

Benefits for customers

Outcloud is best suited for the ICO model, as the project is so extensive that it is implemented in phases and in line with the stage that can be achieved through the financing of ICO projects. By delivering this contribution, you offer this innovative product earlier than before. So what are there for early investors?

Early evaluation of coins for participants for ICO and ICO

Potential to increase coins even before the coin.

Secure investments in the near future will be the world's largest file and data distributor.
The opportunity to use the potential of projects from the first day.

The ability to become part of OutCloud, the future of secure, decentralized file and data sharing systems.


March 2012 - the start of the program development
in December 2012 - has a working prototype of the program

May 2013 - The product remains in a live / test market within the private detective industry
in January 2013 - the first set of new features based on customer feedback added
March 2013 g. - The second set of system upgrades and new features have been introduced
in December 2013 - Added new new features

in April 2014 - Working start to change the program with the specific needs of the private detective industry to fill the rest of the world market

in December 2015 - grams are fully developed for the global market

June 2017. A small budget for $ 500.00 dollar marketing resulted in 8000 new users subscribed to our list of product release expectations
May 2017 Mobile pre-launch applications, developed and at the Apple and Google Play store

collected in June 2018 - $ 45 000.00 dollars and used for the development of ICO
10 August 2018 - A marketing campaign will begin at ICO
September 1, 2018 - the launch of ICO phase 1 September 2018
October 2018 - listing
in December 2018 - the service will be released to the public

in January 2019 - Start of Phase II - Integration Development IOT Data
offers and dashboards
in January 2019.
March 2019 - Developing a variety of uses of Intelligent Contract Outcloud
July 2019 - Phase II. The implementation of an IOT integration,
search engine templates and IOT Data Vendor templates

In December 2019-1000 million reached

in December 2,020-25,000,000 daily users reach

in January 2021 - The new marketing team, which was created to attract targeted sponsors to pay for the addition of free space to free and basic user accounts

In December 2021, 50 million daily users reached

in January 2022 - Added additional marketing team members

in January from 2023-100 million daily zovateley

January 2025 - reaches 500 million daily users



To get more information:

Website: https://www.outofthecloud.io/
White Paper: https://www.outofthecloud.io/OutCloud_Systems_White_Paper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OutCloudSystems
Facebook: https: //www.facebook com / OutCloudSystemsInc /
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/GGVHiA9p9YUJS2mfi4a58A


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