Kamis, 15 November 2018


EVERID - Unlock event with identity

EverID has developed a distributed digital identification system for storing and verifying user data, biometrics, and identifiers. This platform is available to all people until they die of birth. It does not require a mobile device, it is encrypted to protect your personal information and work with other systems. Organizations, businesses and government agencies can quickly and efficiently assess the identity of users.

EverID products that interfere with the existing prototype, a highly experienced team, and work with the major banking institutions of Bretton Woods4 and UN agencies. This creates the single largest opportunity for expanding financial integration.

The EverID project was created with two separate sections. It is necessary to protect all user identity and keep users forever.

1. Open opportunities with identity
Today, more than one billion people in the world do not have identities that can be verified. 2.6 billion people live without bank accounts and about 5 billion do not have access to smartphones. The combination of these factors prevents investment, companies and institutional development in emerging markets. The lack of verifiable identities also impedes people's access to the global economy. It does not allow nearly half of the population to realize their full economic potential, and is the most important factor with which 40% of the world's population currently accounts for only 20% of GDP in the world.

2, Empowerment by identification
EverID is a free platform for universal identification and value-sharing, enabling everyone to prove their identity, save value and transfer funds. It uses biometric identification data and sustainable ledgers allowing unlimited currency exchange rates between governments, banks, NGOs, insurance companies, hospitals and other organizations. This reduces the likelihood of fraud and leakage. It performs verification on a scale that is more economical than before.

Users receive social and economic benefits from their digital identity. To access this benefit, there are no tools. Inclusive and secure identification means unrestricted transfer of value and access to global economic services, such as banking, credit and insurance services.

How it works?

EverID creates a universal digital identification network that can bring all mankind to the global market, with a range of reliable services to improve ecosystems and promote economic development.

The Identity Network is Software 6, a decentralized network that operates the principle of eternity and determines the goals of sustainable development.
Provides tools for managing and protecting its identity through solutions for shifting values ​​based on distributed identity platforms and blocking methods for individuals.

Token ID

ID is A utility token that allows you to access the EverID network, as well as programs and services built on it. 800 million issued identification tokens will be purchased by banks, governments, NGOs, large organizations and users (cashiers) who want access to the EverID network. Settings receive different levels of access to the platform, based on how many tokens they like, when users are not asked to keep the identifier in order to get the value.

Free digital identification of the device will allow nearly 5 billion people to become part of the global economy, which will facilitate external investment in emerging markets. Universal and Inclusive Identity will catalyze trillions of dollars of transactions, value transfer, and identity verification costs.

Digital identification, which can be tested, will allow the emerging market economy to grow to 40+ trillion occasions.

Target: $ 20 million

Pre-sale: August 2018


The total number of tokens is 800,000,000

Tokens for sale - 303 685 341

Price of ICO - $ 0.09

Accepted currencies - BTC, ETH, USD

Hardcap - $ 20,000,000

Provisional sale - August 13, 2018.

Minimum / Maximum Personal Hat - $ 10,000 / $ 2,000,000

You do not participate - China, Korea, Pakistan


- May
EverID concept

- June 2016 The
foundation of EverID

- 2017 The
beginning of the development of the concept of evidence

- 2018 January
Exit stealth mode demonstrates the proof of concept

- March
Participation in the UN agency accelerates the accelerator program

- Julie has been published, the draft has been announced

- August
Presale and testnet live (tokens, ID + Wallet DApp, blockchain) - PC
Achieving the goals of the September Identification Network (INF).

- October
Show EverID 1.0 (tokens, ID + Wallet DApp, Blocket, Admin Console and API)

- 2019 January
EverID 2.0 (multicurrency wallet, API integration)

- April
EverID 3.0 (increase in blockade speed and biometric increase)

- September
EverID 4.0 (increased speed and intellectual contract infrastructure available to partners)

- 2020 September
EverID 5.0 ​​(licenses and bank transfers and SDK is available)


EverID team consists of a team that has experience with various IPO projects, acquisitions and startups and a successful blockade.




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