Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018



Welcome my friends. I want to introduce you to a unique and promising project Smilo is a hybrid blockchain platform that guarantees transparency while protecting individual personal data. Smilo uses a blockchain technology base where it can maintain the privacy of each individual data while ensuring full transparency of the organizations that interact with each individual. Smilo identifies the need for a hybrid blockchain platform. Give this public entity the right tools.

Smilo puts heartfelt service on every user, so it's called a hybrid blockchain platform with a conscience, because:

Full features


Can facilitate hybrid transactions, hybrid smart contracts and hybrid decentralization applications - with 'hybrids' that refer to the public and private


Smilo uses The Byzantine Fault Tolerance Plus (BFT +), BFT is equal to Proof of Stake (PoS) faster and more efficient, but both are not perfect. The standard BFT and PoS mechanism is not the safest consensus mechanism. For this, Smilo has improved the standard BFT mechanism by creating a unique Smilo BFT + consensus mechanism. This mechanism is entirely safe, measurable, fast, and sustainable transactions. So with Smilo this has many advantages including:

1 Transparent: Users can monitor transactions more transparently, using this technology

2 Anti Corruption: With transparency, can minimize or even eliminate acts of corruption in every transaction

3 Continuous: Green blockchain platform via Smilo BFT + protocol.

4 Privacy protection: Through smart contracts and joint transactions

5 Safe: Smilo BFT + offers better security than the previous mechanism.

6 Fast and Scalable: This platform will be 100 times faster than ethereum or other platforms

7 Affordable: Smilo provides transactions at a much cheaper cost


some examples of cases using the Smilo platform are:


Smilo facilitates safe and personal elections or referendums, leaving aside post-election influence.


Facilitate donations and ensure anonymous donors that money will be spent in a respectable manner.


Individual medical records are owned and managed by themselves and shared with medical institutions and insurance companies on request.


There will be two types of tokens that move networks on this platform:

Smilo (abbreviated symbol: XSM): generated by the Smilodon block - the first block of the blockchain, is a representation of the shares held by the user,

SmiloPay (abbreviated symbol: XSP): generated every block following the Smilodon block, is a medium to pay for network services and maintenance costs for Smilo

Having a Smilo token holder has the right to receive dividends in the form of SmiloPay tokens.


This token represents the user's ability to influence the evolution of the Smilo network. Each Smilo token is counted as sound, so the more Smilo tokens you have, the greater the effect on the evolution of the Smilo ecosystem.

Smilo token holders have the following privileges:

Receive SmiloPay

Voting for changes in network parameters

Change the cost price of Tx

Change the price of implementing a smart contract

Change the cost price of implementing a smart contract

Each block of the Smilo blockchain produces twenty SmiloPay tokens, which will be distributed among Smilo holders. The number of SmiloPay per block will decrease slowly, because there are only 200 million SmiloPay tokens,


SmiloPay Tokens are used to pay for network services and Smilo maintenance fees. Used as a service fee to register or change assets. This service fee will then be distributed proportionally to all Smilo owners, which means that SmiloPay will be circulated through the system.

Initially, there will be no direct transaction fees to use the network and all token holders will receive a maximum amount of SmiloPay per block. SmiloPay tokens will be generated with each new block made equal to the total number of Smilo tokens in circulation, up to 200 million. Each block can generate 20 Smilopay, and this token will be distributed proportionally between Smilo holders. And after the first millions of Smilo blocks are generated, SmiloPay prizes will decrease a little. After the SmiloPay token stamp reaches 200 million, the block will stop producing SmiloPay tokens. This is intended to keep transaction costs low to lead to more Smilo users, which in turn leads to more registered assets and transactions, and thus generates more costs paid to the node. Having a Smilo token is the same as a lifetime membership because it uses the Smilo network 'free'


Token: Smilo

Platform: Smilo

Type: Smilo

Total supply: 200,000,000 XSM

Prices at ICO: 1 Smilo = 0.25 USD

Tokens for sale: 84,960,000



Between 0% and 50% depending on sales, investment amount and vesting period

Token Distribution

Fund Distribution



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