Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018

MENAPAY Crypto Payment Platform

MENAPAY Crypto Payment Platform

Through this article I want to introduce you to MenaPay, designed to accelerate transactions in the blockchain community,take one step forward to show safe operations that focus on affordability, fast and smooth transactions. As we have seen, cryptocurrency takes a lot of hype in the world,because it is very important for crypto investors and members to get crypto, which will make all their transactions easier and faster.


MenaPay is a fully-paid, encrypted payment system based on block chaining, providing secure and transparent payment channels in all modern payment systems, enabling transactions in all areas of everyday life. It is often described as "passwords made easier than cash".

The MenaPay Foundation encompasses a wide range of aspects including encryption and data exchange, revenue and revenue systems, greenfield reserves, cash handling fees and request systems, purchases, merchants and individual users. Menapay works by creating a new standard in the cryptographic industry for the level of participating revenue that goes beyond the regular incentives for investors and users. The main features of MenaPay are as follows. P2P transactions; Paying the seller from P2M peer; Foundation M2F Trader; And green light. All of these innovative features work together to deliver outstanding results on the MenaPay platform
MenaPay is the primary square based installment door that is completely upheld in the Middle East and Africa. EdenPay replaces customary installment techniques with cryptographic money
completely upheld by blockchain. MenaPay Mission is building online sites and applications that will permit coordination of crypto installment answers for different sites and backings Arabic on the dashboard.

New installments like Bitcoin and other digital money arrangements have disillusioned us since they are costly and include huge and inappropriate exchange costs for your every day installment needs, for example, purchasing basic supplies, paying for taxis and different administrations accessible for every day. EdenPay expects to change business as usual by bringing 100% non-bank Islamic advanced arrangements, utilize blockchain to make a solitary cash for use in every day and cross-outskirt exchanges, https://www.menapay.io/

We make new gauges in the crypto business for participatory returns, past normal motivating forces for clients and financial specialists. - P2M-
P2P exchanges

Associate to Merchant Payment

Merchant M2F to

Green Mining Foundation

In facilitate improvements the usage of this program is the North Africa and Middle East districts. With innovation progressing and the whole Blockchain environment developing at an estimable pace, a great part of the improvement happens in a few pockets of the world. The Middle East and North Africa have so far stayed disengaged from development on the Blockchain. This district is under the saving money framework that was produced because of Islamic Sharia law which forbids enthusiasm on advances. Accordingly, the GCC locale has sharia-agreeable money related foundations that speak to around 1% of the world's aggregate resources. This area likewise has an extremely divided with different monetary forms that have prohibited the incorporation of all districts into one market.

Token Information

Ticker Specifications: Mpay

Total Token Number: 400 Million

Tokens to be sold: 256 Million

Soft Cap Target: USD 5 Million

Target Hard Cap: USD 25 Million

Estimated ICO Price: USD 0.165

Token Standard: ERC-20


Onepager: https://www.menapay.io/onepager.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/menapayio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/menapayio
Telegram: https://t.me/MenaPay
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/menapay
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/menapay/?originalSubdomain=in
Ann Threads: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic= 4884588


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