Minggu, 02 September 2018



Sgame Pro is a game aggregator and community where players are rewarded in SGM:
• Play iOS and Android mobile games from the world's best publishers
• Challenge other players
• Spread his challenges to millions of players
• Participate in targeted actions via a personalized wall offer

Players will be able to use SGM to redeem a large number of digital and physical products in Sgame Pro's internal market (hereinafter "Sgame Marketplace") and in publishers' digital stores. In addition, players will be able to transfer SGM from their internal Sgame Pro portfolio (the "SWallet") to their ERC-20 compatible external portfolio (the "Personal Portfolio").

Building on the success of the Alpha version of Sgame Pro which quickly reached 50,000 users in 2017 without marketing expenses, a beta version of the Sgame Pro platform will be launched in May 2018, with a new roadmap of new features in 2018.


The main mission of Sgame Pro is to provide players with an unparalleled user experience where they can play their favorite games while transparently "undermining" the SGM tokens. In addition, Sgame Pro engages players in an entirely new way, for example by rewarding players for the live broadcast of their games.


One-player games lack social interaction:

multiplayer games significantly increase the

player engagement measures and reduce churn.

Advertising offers a negative user experience:

players hate the invasive ads in the app, which

currently only benefit the publishers.

Limited non-invasive promotional techniques for new games.

Cost of Digital Goods in Online Stores: In order to compete successfully in many games, players often have to spend money to buy digital goods (swords, gems, etc.). A lot of players refuse to spend Fiat and give up the game.

Rewards are game-specific: Time and effort in one game can not be exploited in other games to increase performance or buy digital goods.

Crypto mines barriers to entry: Mining requires significant financial investments and technical know-how, which are barriers to entry.


Sgame Pro turns solo games into asynchronous multiplayer games with PvP options ranging from 1 vs 1 to 1 vs 100.

For the first time, players receive a portion of the advertising revenue (ADV) generated while playing.

Sgame Pro provides a one-stop shop for their favorite games and new gaming ads from the world's best publishers.

All award-winning SGMs can be spent on digital assets instead of using Fiat, which increases player engagement rates.

SGM can be used on all Sgame Pro games and on the Sgame Marketplace.

The SGM "Proof of Play" reward protocol simulates a mining experience by rewarding the time and effort spent on Sgame Pro.


Sgame Pro offers publishers a simple and innovative way to promote games. Publishers will have the opportunity to reward Players with bonus payments in SGM, to offer special rewards in Challenges and to directly engage Sgame Pro Influencers.

Sgame Pro offers unparalleled access to key influencers such as Pewdiepie (60mln followers), providing publishers with free global marketing. In addition, Sgame Pro offers publishers a brand new source of revenue since they will share with Sgame Pro the costs of the Challenge. To put this in context, in 2017 more than 800 billion Challenges were played in multiplayer games. Royal Clash, a multiplayer online fighting arena, has had over 42 billion challenges in the past year.


User acquisition and retention: Publishers struggle to reach a large number of new users and retain them. In addition, lower development costs have allowed thousands of new independent publishers to flood the iOS / Android marketplaces, dramatically reducing the average time a game stays on a player's device.

Increased ADV revenue: Freemium game publishers depend on IAP and ADV revenues. In order to maximize their revenue streams, publishers are encouraged to use pervasive advertising and to force players to buy digital products only to be competitive.

Finding new sources of revenue: The digital goods market (in-app purchases) is evolving into a secondary market for digital goods where players trade with each other. Publishers will have to find new sources of revenue like classic IPA in freemium games are dwindling.


Sgame Pro brings players together, facilitating user acquisition for publishers, increasing visibility, rigidity and reducing churn.

Players who would not normally spend Fiat in the game are more likely to spend SGM, than they earned without charge. This, in turn, encourages longer play times and higher revenues for ADV.
Publishers will receive some of the costs generated by Challenges.


Sgame Pro allows Influencers to monetize their followers through a referral system that generates a continuous revenue stream for each lead, regardless of whether the lead remains the follower of a long-term Influencer.


Commercial: The main source of income for Influencers no longer comes from traditional social media platforms (YouTube, Instagram, etc.) but rather private companies that try to promote products. If this is not careful, it can act as a distraction and hurt the followers.

Churn rate: The churn rate is high and inherently linked to the latest gaming trends, resulting in highly unpredictable revenue.


Sgame Pro offers an attractive referral system that gives influencers the ability to monetize their customers without compromising their image.

Each sponsorship will be rewarded by a portion of the SGM earned by the newly introduced player, with no time limit and regardless of whether or not the player remains a follower.


Sgame Pro offers merchants a simple and economical way to promote their products online through the Marketplace and Special Offers sections:


Online Marketing Costs: Online marketing is incredibly expensive and will only increase in the future.

Audience Targeting: Without high quality player data, it's impossible to specifically target players for promotional purposes.


Sgame Pro offers merchants unprecedented economies of scale and offers the full reach of multiple publishers at the same time.

Sgame Pro generates complete, high quality user data by engaging the reader on the platform. Player profiles will be inter-games, providing more granular player targeting capabilities.


a. Concept
We allow players to be rewarded with our new crypto-token SGM while simply playing the most popular mobile games in the world. SGM will be the only way to access the Sgame Pro platform and benefit from the only settlement method for all transactions within the Sgame Pro ecosystem.

b. Focus
In development since August 2016, Sgame Pro has successfully launched its Alpha version in 2017, achieving more than 50,000 downloads without marketing expenses. We are focusing on the growing mobile gaming industry and have developed several technical innovations for players, publishers, merchants and influencers.

c. Innovation
Our platform brings together the fragmented sector of independent and major game publishers into a one-stop gaming platform in which players will have the opportunity to challenge others in games that were previously only one player . This innovation is really disturbing given that 78% of the mobile gaming market is single-player while most of the revenue comes from multiplayer gaming.


Transaction model

The economy of the SGM token is centered around a continuous flow of chips between Sgame Pro and the participants of the ecosystem aiming for a very liquid token. Its architecture is built in a hybrid way so that the SGM flow inside the platform is OffChain so that Ethereum network limitations (confirmation time, congestion, transaction costs) do not hinder the daily operation of the platform. the platform.

All SGMs awarded by the players will be deposited in the player's internal SWallet on Sgame Pro.

Players will immediately be able to use SGM from their SWallet to perform all transactions in the Sgame Pro ecosystem at no charge or waiting time. The player has full control over the transfer of SGM from his SWallet to his ERC-20 compatible personal wallet.

Proof of play

One of the major technical innovations of Sgame Pro is the advent of the Proof of Play protocol. Proof of Play is the mechanism by which Sgame Pro determines the consensus as to whether enough "play" has been executed to exploit a "Play-Block", releasing the SGM block reward associated with the player. It works the same way as Proof of Work, where the miners' computing effort is rewarded.
Play-Blocks are defined as a set of actions that, if completed, generate a block reward in SGM. The game blocks vary by level, which determines the amount of 'play' required and the size of the SGM block reward. Initially, there will be two types of actions in a read block: time actions and bid wall actions. Sgame Pro determines the value of Play-Blocks, which may fluctuate over time, but the player will always know the reward size of the SGM block in advance.

Liquidity reserve

We will maintain an SGM cash reserve to manage the exits / entrances to / from Sgame Pro participants, which should grow in line with the number of players. This SGM reserve will initially be equal to 23.7% of SGM Total Supply, and Sgame Pro will aim to maintain it at least 10% in the normal course of business, by purchasing SGM on the stock market as and when required.

Sgame Pro will maintain full control over the amount of SGM rewarded by Proof of Play, and will make this information available in the app to each player. The Play-Block rewards amounts in SGM will be periodically adjusted to reflect the price movements of the underlying SGM token, in order to ensure an almost constant value of player earnings in Fiat.


Émetteur: Sgame Sa (Swiss Based)

Symbole: SGM

Type: ERC20

Vente principale: Juin 2018

Prix ​​en Chf: 10j avant la vente principale

Taux de change ETH / CHF: 24h avant Main Sale

Devise: ETH

KYC: Obligatoire


Quantité totale: 350 000 000

Vente Privée: 139 500 000

Vente principale: 55 000 000

Réserve de liquidité SGM: 83 000 000

Conservé par l'émetteur: 51 000 000

Conseillers et fondateurs: 15 000 000

Bounties & Airdrops: 6 500 000


Giampietro Cutrino | Fondateur et PDG

Ancien showman TV italien, Gip est depuis 8 ans un entrepreneur dans le monde

du jeu mobile. Il est un chef d'équipe expert et un marketeur créatif, ayant collaboré

avec de nombreuses grandes marques dans le monde numérique.

Nicola Rizzo | Co-fondateur et CFO

Diplômé en droit, il a financé le projet dès le début. Nicola est un entrepreneur

combinant une expérience de conseil en gestion avec des décennies d'expérience en tant

qu'entrepreneur en série .

Natale Ferrara | Co-fondateur

fondateur de Eidoo, co-fondateur de Cryptopolis et directeur financier de l' identité numérique, Natale Ferrara

a des compétences en stratégie d'entreprise, la gestion de projets, développement des affaires, M & A et il

possède une vaste expérience dans le monde de cryptocurrencies.

Luca Carrozza - MD OPS

MarTech vétérinaire, 12 ans chez Fullsix Group, pionnier européen du marketing numérique, en tant que chef de projet,

directeur commercial , directeur de clientèle; dernière division de 5ys à construire et à diriger les divisions adv tech du Groupe IPG:

Reprise, search & social, et Cadreon, programmatique adv & data management.

Dragan Bozic | MD Marketing

Dragan has a strategic digital and technological background combined with solid

business development skills. It helps to create a culture of change within the company, providing creativity,

analytical thinking and advanced data analysis.

Francesco Ongaro | CTO

Sec Urity Expert and Hacker, he specializes in

penetration testing of networks and web applications. He has been involved in technical activities for many of the most exposed clients in

areas of private and public infrastructure, finance, banking, insurance and the media.

Domenico Ferrari | Vice President of Engineering

Combining strong project management skills and in-depth technical skills, Domenico has been

able to optimize software development processes, which led him to be responsible

platform development.

Ale Menegotti | Games Dev Manager

An award-winning computer scientist, he led for many years a

a successful global games business. With a results-based approach, he is sensitive to the many needs of a

Digital product and very passionate about the ever-changing development scenario.

Andrea Sala | Community & Marketing Manager

BA in psychology with a focus on consumer psychology and buying behavior, the

quantitative research and organizational management. Passionate

stimulating business ideas, technology, startups, fintech, management, blockchain and new media.


Igor Pezzilli | Business Strategy

Co-founder of the Lazada group, senior consultant at Bain & Company in Zurich, he is

highly qualified in corporate strategy and business planning, as well as in

commercial and corporate development, management and private equity.

Roman Hammerl | Finance

CFO at Kickrs.net and executive for Morgan Stanley, Roman Hammerl graduated from

University of Economics and Business Vienna and the Red McCombs School of

Business in Austin. He specializes in equities, capital markets and hedge funds.

Raphael Galante | Gaming

Founder and CEO of Digital Bros and 505 Games, he has more than 20 years of experience

in the mobile gaming and console sector. Digital Bros, with the

brands 505 Games and Halifax, ranks among the top 10 global game publishers.

Robert Taylor | Crypto Expert

Co-founder and CTO of Financial Markets Fintech Origin, Robert is involved in the

space of the cryptocurrency for more than 5 years. Robert works with a number of crypto projects for

develop their symbolic economy, their technical architecture and their symbolic sales.

Lars Schlichting |

A legal and tax partner of Kellehals-Carrard, Lars Schlichting specializes in banking

and financial. Since 2016, Lars provides advice in the world of cryptocurrencies

and participated in several Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

Validity Labs | Smart

Labity Validity Labs covers multiple areas of blockchain technology and smart contracts by managing

various platforms and skill levels. Equip change agents to use the

Blockchain technology to improve the way we trade, contract and collaborate.


Felix AU Kjelberg (Pewdiepie) | The Influencer

Felix is ​​the world's largest Youtuber with over 60 million followers subscribing to

his chain. PewDiePie has also appeared in a number of other media, such as radio and

television. He is currently the official figurehead of the launch of the platform.

Ignacio Sepulveda | CEO Tweakbox

Currently CEO of Tweakbox (10mm users) with great experience in the software industry.

Expert in marketing strategies, user interface design and project planning. He graduated

of the International Brains School of Alcobendas.

Francesco Imbesi | Bit Walk

Founder of Bit Walk, Francesco has built a company that has reached millions of active users in

less than a year involving major artists such as: Massive Attack, Oasis, Blur, Ewan McGregor,

Willem Defoe and Marina Abramovic.


Igor Pezzilli | Business Strategy

Co-fondateur du groupe Lazada, consultant senior chez Bain & Company à Zurich, il est

hautement qualifié en stratégie d'entreprise et en planification d'entreprise, ainsi qu'en

développement commercial et corporatif, en gestion et en private equity.

Roman Hammerl | Finance

CFO à Kickrs.net et exécutif pour Morgan Stanley, Roman Hammerl est diplômé de l'

Université d'économie et des affaires de Vienne et à la Red McCombs School of

Business à Austin. Il est spécialisé dans les actions, les marchés de capitaux et les hedge funds.

Raphael Galante | Gaming

Fondateur et CEO de Digital Bros et de 505 Games, il a plus de 20 ans d'expérience

dans le secteur des jeux mobiles et des consoles. Digital Bros, avec les

marques 505 Games et Halifax, se classe parmi les 10 meilleurs éditeurs mondiaux de jeux.

Robert Taylor | Crypto Expert

Co-fondateur et CTO des marchés financiers fintech Origin, Robert est impliqué dans l'

espace de la crypto - monnaie depuis plus de 5 ans. Robert travaille avec un certain nombre de projets crypto pour

développer leur économie symbolique, leur architecture technique et leurs ventes symboliques.

Lars Schlichting |

Associé juridique et fiscal de Kellehals-Carrard, Lars Schlichting est spécialisé dans les domaines bancaire

et financier. Depuis 2016, Lars fournit des conseils dans le monde des cryptomonnaies

et a participé à plusieurs Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

Validité Labs | Smart

labity Validity Labs couvre de multiples domaines de la technologie blockchain et des contrats intelligents en gérant

des plates-formes et des niveaux de compétences variés. Equiper les agents de changement pour qu'ils utilisent la

technologie blockchain afin d'améliorer la façon dont nous échangeons, établissons des contrats et collaborons.


Felix AU Kjelberg (Pewdiepie) | L'Influenceur

Felix est le Youtuber le plus important au monde avec plus de 60 millions de followers abonnés à

sa chaîne. PewDiePie est également apparu dans un certain nombre d'autres médias, tels que la radio et la

télévision. Il est actuellement la figure de proue officielle du lancement de la plateforme.

Ignacio Sepulveda | Tweakbox CEO

Actuellement PDG de Tweakbox (utilisateurs 10mm) avec une grande expérience dans le secteur des logiciels.

Expert en stratégies marketing, conception d'interfaces utilisateur et planification de projet. Il est diplômé

de l'Ecole Internationale Brains d'Alcobendas.

Francesco Imbesi | Bit Walk

Fondateur de Bit Walk, Francesco a bâti une entreprise qui a atteint des millions d'utilisateurs actifs en

moins d'un an impliquant des artistes majeurs tels que: Massive Attack, Oasis, Blur, Ewan McGregor,

Willem Defoe et Marina Abramovic.

Marzia Bisognin | Influence

Marzia is an Italian Internet personality who is also involved in writing, fashion design, and

business. His channel currently has more than 7 million subscribers, making it the

most popular channel in Italy


This is my personal criticism, and I just recommend investing in this project man,

look at the partner is "Pewdiepie", the number 1 Youtuber in the world.



This is my personal criticism, and I just recommend investing in this project man, look at the partner is "Pewdiepie", the number 1 Youtuber in the world.


AUTHOR: Gambangcity
ETH: 0xbd4e6B6E19c55D117badfa5C218Ae03263df6072

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