Minggu, 02 September 2018


OPP Open WIFi Overview PRoject

What is OPP Open wifi

it is a service based on communities, with the sole purpose of creating a world liberated for access to a wireless local area network with a local network and rewarding each participant for being close to our business. In the world there are about five billion smartphone users around the world, eighty of which work in social networks. access to the wireless LAN has become part of our daily lives. it is surprising, however, that 76 of us often realize ourselves in a position where access is not available, or where access is blocked by the demand for payment. Of those who are five billion people, we aim to attract 25 million people, like you, over the next four years to link our community with "Hotspot Hosts". we can build a released access,

OPP Open {wifi | wireless network unita network | WLAN | wireless accuracy | WiFi | local area network | LAN} Hotspot Hosts are people who purchase mobile information, purchase Wi-Fi access in their homes or at their place of work. Analysis shows that completely eighties people do not fully use all the information that we tend to pay. we will put this money back in your pocket. we will pay you every day for creating a piece of this information available for our global network.

OPP Open wifi can be paid daily by hosts to create part of this information available to their international network. To become a Hotspot Host, you want to transfer the OPP mobile application or request a home / business router from your website. primary 100,000 routers will be provided completely free of charge. there is no connection fee. Payments and the scope of the requested area are managed using targeted, reasonable contracts.


Imagine that smartphone users around the world, in relation to or more than 75 of them, are actively using media users of good time. the availability of Wi-Fi for millions of smartphone users is unacceptable and sincere, as they usually realize themselves in remote areas where access to a web-based network is either unavailable or a payment before access is required.

Out of billions of smartphone users, OPEN Wifi is proposing to use more than 20 million people over the next few years to join the Hotspot Hosts community.

Advantages of OPEN wifi

it will be available anywhere in the world

it will be of high quality, although not glitches and can satisfy all lifestyles

Hosts Hotspot Hosts and users will receive a daily payment and are automatically credited to their OPP wallets using self-executing smart contracts.

the cost is free. You only need to download our application to your mobile device or request a router from our website. Connect it and earn Mazuma.

OPP Open wifi Tokensale

PP Open wifi has officially launched its first token (ITO), beginning in June 2018. The sale will be divided into 3 rounds, starting with a non-public sale and ending with a public sale with incentive bonuses rewarding early bird contributions. Once you register with the OPP Open wifi, you can use the AN access code to the OPP toolbar. The control panel is where you shot, but you prefer to work with us, which data on the number you want to divide, what numeric devices, how many messages you want to read, etc.

All of your OPP tokens will be safely held on your electronic wallet in the dashboard daily. you will observe how your balance grows. you can see incoming payments and breakdown, but you earned them.

From the toolbar, you decide together, however, you want to pay them through our online shopping center, credit your bank account, send money to your OPP credit card (no need for a bank account), or sell them in the Crypto markets. On our information panel you may be ready to use OPP tokens exactly as you use your daily money.

The main answer is that getting information about sharing is such a powerful concept that business is designed for huge success. some noted that they believe that the OPP Open wireless LAN can win mass adoption and introduce cryptography to dozens of many people. Some compared the speed to the fact that the virus spread of OPP may happen as the future of Uber, Airbnb and even Facebook. on the demand side for the OPP product, then OPP Open wifi found that its overall business is configured as a delineation within the study and light paper. OPP An open wireless LAN believes that such a typical approach to business management is a few things that almost never seen in the advanced world of ICO.

Name of the token: OPP

PreICO Price: 1 OPP = USD zero.40 USD

Price: one OPP = 0.00059 ETH

Bonus: available

Platform: Ethereum

Acceptance: BTC, ETH, Fiat

Minimum investment: $ 300

Soft cover: $ 4,000,000

Hard cover: $ 40,000,000



Martin Regan/ Entrepreneur & CEO

Phillip Legg/ Head of Technology & Security

Leo Antipov/ B2B Sales Director

Joanna Nemes/ Marketing Coordinator

Violeta Raducanu/ Community Manager

Alex Andrei/ Community Manager

Alexandra Pascariu/ Community Manager

Michael Peach/ Market Analyst

Iulian Gheorghe/ Senior SEO, Web Developer

Susan Lawry/ Head of Accounts

Claire Loe/ Accounts Support

Carina Regan/ Email Marketing Manager




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