Minggu, 26 Agustus 2018

Hasil gambar untuk DEALJOY bounty


Dealjoy is a privacy-focused global cashback platform designed to connect online shoppers with their favorite merchants to provide instant crypto cashbacks.

We believe that a truly private cashback platform is needed for the worldwide online shopping industry to provide the global audience with competitive cashback rates without compromising users’ privacy.

Dealjoy operates between customers and online merchants by negotiating and onboarding the best affiliate deals. As our members proceed to an online store through the Dealjoy platform, they will receive cashback commissions for their purchases, with virtually no identifying personal information given to a third party.

Global and anonymous micro-payments have been made possible through the ongoing mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. Using blockchain technologies and our ERC-20 standardized token called DEAL, cashbacks will be provided privately, globally, and instantly without minimum payout limits.

Full GDPR compliance, anonymous instant payments, and a possibility for customers to stay completely unidentified

by the cashback platform represent a whole new standard in the affiliate industry.


Affiliate shopping networks have been a thing for quite a while, but traditional payment methods used to pay members are expensive in fees and require a lot of private details, time, and bureaucracy.

Existing platforms utilize bank transfers, paper checks, and online payment processors such as PayPal to pay their customers. These payment methods are not private nor truly global and include various fees, such reducing cashback

commissions and invading the privacy of users.

The affiliate industry is often accused of handling confidential customer data unethically to increase their revenues1. This is made possible by customers needing to provide personal information and agreeing to questionable terms in order to receive what they are owed. Submitting private information to cashback providers along with personal order

history is something customers understandably want to avoid.

Another problem, from the user’s point of view, is the delay between purchasing goods and receiving the commission.

On the existing platforms, it may take up to three months to receive the actual cashback. That is a long wait, and far

from the customer’s ideal.

A consumer research report by RetailMeNot2 Inc summed up the key preferences of cashback customers:

96% prefer not to use mail-in rebates

70% prefer payment in a form other than a check

more than 55% prefer to redeem cashback offers online

nearly 50% found cashback offers challenging to re- deem

These results exhibit, once again, that consumers want faster payouts, more convenient cashback platforms, and modern payment methods.


Our revolutionary solution to the problem is the Dealjoy platform, which pays out cashback commissions in our own Ethereum compatible DEAL tokens.

This allows us to concentrate on finding the best deals and bonuses for our members instead of dealing with international wire transfers, consequently requiring minimum payout limits and cutting down cashback percentages due to high payment processing expenses.

Dealjoy cashbacks are paid out near-instantly and without a minimum threshold. Members can withdraw their wellearned DEAL tokens to their wallets any time to be traded for other cryptocurrencies, or held for potential value appreciation. Our community-driven token model works to the benefit of token holders, lessening the circulating supply
and creating buying pressure by repurchasing tokens to be distributed back to the community as commissions.

Thanks to the nature of the blockchain-based ecosystem, no identifying personal information is required of our members. As cryptocurrency supporters and visionaries ourselves, personal data protection is our top priority. We
are confident that our community will greatly appreciate this transparent and privacy-conscious approach.



Retail e-commerce is predicted to rise from current yearly sales of $2304 billion to $4135 billion by

20203, summing up to an average annual growth of 21.52%.

The cashback industry is worth over $84 billion and growing, while more than 100,000 e-commerce merchants are

using cashbacks as a marketing tool and over 64% of consumers belong to a rewards site. In overall, more than 10%

of online retail sales are generated by performance marketing affiliates, including cashback providers4.

At the same time, mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is ongoing, with more than 10 million active wallets5 and total

cryptocurrency market capitalization peaking at $800 billion in early 20186.

As proven by these statistics, it is clear that there will be an increasing demand for blockchain-based cashback platforms designed to connect customers and online retailers for mutual benefits.


The core of our business is the Dealjoy platform— an all-in-one dashboard for exploring and finding the best and most exciting cashback-offering vendors.

Dealjoy can be accessed through the web platform and our native Android and iOS apps. Members can browse through

Dealjoy’s virtual catalog of their favorite merchants and seek the best deals to earn DEAL tokens for purchases.

When a customer finds an interesting merchant or deal, they can proceed to the website and start shopping.


All purchases made by members will automatically be tracked, and commissions will be paid in DEAL tokens as

soon as the vendor confirms the purchase, which usually initiates in almost real-time.


Claire needs new headphones and notices that Dealjoy offers 8% cashback on all headphones purchased from AliExpress. She proceeds to AliExpress through a link on Dealjoy and buys the headphones of her choice. After the purchase is completed, Claire returns to Dealjoy and notices that her purchase was registered and promised amount of DEAL tokens have been added to her account.


For retailers, cashback programs have delivered immensely impressive results in multiple indicators of sales performance.

According to market research7, merchants experienced a 240% average increase in conversions and 46% average

increase in order value with cashback programs in use. In general, cashback programs result in improved engagement,

decreased bounce rate, and increased amount of time spent on-site.

The following online consumer behavioral findings of 2015 Global Cashback Industry Report explain the massive positive sales impact of the cashback programs well:

99% were more likely to make a purchase after finding a discount

87% actively redeem rewards for points, cash back and reward miles

82% claim if they can find all the discounted products they need on one website, they will shop on
that site frequently

52% say getting the best price and discounts is the top reason they shop online
A vast amount of online vendors have indeed implemented an affiliate program to boost their sales and enhance visibility. These include the most significant e-commerce platforms in the world, such as Amazon, eBay and AliExpress. Since the basic technical affiliate infrastructure already exists for most of the vendors, adding a support to those websites is a quick process for Dealjoy. There is no need for long-lasting negotiations or complicated integrations to onboard new merchants to our platform.

As a community-first project, our members will be able to vote and suggest merchants from whom they would like to

receive cashbacks and deals. If there is demand for vendors that do not currently offer an affiliate program, we will get

in touch with them to inform our community’s interest. In the best case scenario, we will onboard such vendors exclusively to the Dealjoy platform.


In addition to the basic model of operation— referring our users to online stores to obtain cashbacks on all their purchases—the Dealjoy platform will include product and category-specific deals for our members to benefit from.

These deals will be available on the DealFeed, which will be integrated into the platform.

DealFeed is a whole new gamelike way to find and browse customized deals and offers by swiping. It is powered by

the Dealjoy Matchmaking Algorithm (DMA) which utilizes machine learning and customer preferences to create

a customer-specific stream of interesting daily changing deals. These specific deals are obtained directly from the

collaborating vendors and will offer our users even higher cashback rates.



Claire needs new headphones and notices that Dealjoy offers 8% cashback on all headphones purchased from AliExpress. She proceeds to AliExpress through a link on Dealjoy and buys the headphones of her choice. After the purchase is completed, Claire returns to Dealjoy and notices that her purchase was registered and promised amount of DEAL tokens have been added to her accoun

For retailers, cashback programs have delivered immensely impressive results in multiple indicators of sales performance.

According to market research7, merchants experienced a 240% average increase in conversions and 46% average

increase in order value with cashback programs in use. In general, cashback programs result in improved engagement,

decreased bounce rate, and increased amount of time spent on-site.

The following online consumer behavioral findings of 2015 Global Cashback Industry Report explain the massive positive sales impact of the cashback programs well:
99% were more likely to make a purchase after finding a discount
87% actively redeem rewards for points, cash back and reward miles
82% claim if they can find all the discounted products they need on one website, they will shop on that site frequently
52% say getting the best price and discounts is the top reason they shop online

A vast amount of online vendors have indeed implemented an affiliate program to boost their sales and enhance visibility. These include the most significant e-commerce platforms in the world, such as Amazon, eBay and AliExpress. Since the basic technical affiliate infrastructure already exists for most of the vendors, adding a support to those websites is a quick process for Dealjoy. There is no need for long-lasting negotiations or complicated integrations to onboard new merchants to our platform.

As a community-first project, our members will be able to vote and suggest merchants from whom they would like to

receive cashbacks and deals. If there is demand for vendors that do not currently offer an affiliate program, we will get

in touch with them to inform our community’s interest. In the best case scenario, we will onboard such vendors exclusively to the Dealjoy platform.

In addition to the basic model of operation— referring our users to online stores to obtain cashbacks on all their purchases—the Dealjoy platform will include product and category-specific deals for our members to benefit from.

These deals will be available on the DealFeed, which will be integrated into the platform.

DealFeed is a whole new gamelike way to find and browse customized deals and offers by swiping. It is powered by

the Dealjoy Matchmaking Algorithm (DMA) which utilizes machine learning and customer preferences to create

a customer-specific stream of interesting daily changing deals. These specific deals are obtained directly from the

collaborating vendors and will offer our users even higher cashback rates.


Thomas browses the DealFeed and finds an exciting deal on Smartwatch with a 15% limited time cashback. Thomas clicks the deal and is forwarded to the related online store to make his purchase.
After completing the purchase, cashback is credited to Thomas’s Dealjoy account in DEAL tokens.


Our philosophy is to provide members with freedom of choice. Our users can always withdraw their DEAL tokens to their personal Ethereum wallets or exchange accounts, trade them for other coins, or sell for fiat8 on external exchanges. On the other hand, members may want to keep their tokens in their Dealjoy wallets for future use in our platform.

For these users, we are introducing the DealShop, which will be an essential part of the platform. 
DealShop is a fully integrated online shop, including a variety of products, services, and gift vouchers from our partnering online shops. Orders made in DealShop can be paid exclusively in DEAL tokens, providing exciting real-world utility into the DEAL token ecosystem. Using DealShop doesn’t require tokens used for payment to be acquired through our cashback program; anyone can buy DEAL tokens from external exchanges and spend them on DealShop.



Matthew has been using Dealjoy for online shopping and now has $150 worth of DEAL tokens. He browses DealShop and decides to spend his tokens on an Amazon gift voucher. Matthew buys the voucher, and an appropriate amount of DEAL tokens is reduced from his wallet balance. The voucher is sent to Matthew instantly via email.


Affiliate commissions are paid only for orders that are not returned to the merchant or refunded for being damaged in shipment, lost package, etc. The typical waiting period for our affiliate partners to approve and pay out commissions is four weeks from the date of purchase. The normal practice among existing cashback providers is to subject all cashback payouts to a waiting period. This is something we didn’t want to do, so we came up with an innovative solution to enable instant payouts.
Our solution to the problem is an algorithm that analyses and determines expected return rates using advanced data analysis. With the support of the data provided by our algorithm, the Dealjoy platform will be able to determine purchases that are eligible for payouts instantly after the transaction. Orders with a high risk of return/refund are subject to a waiting period before DEAL tokens provided as cashback are unlocked for withdrawals or further use. The possible waiting period for high-risk orders is executed to protect the platform from malicious cashback refund activities.

We also created an alternative approach for users wishing to obtain cashbacks instantly after their purchases in all circumstances. The solution is called Dealjoy Plus membership and is further explained in the next chapter.


The basic membership of Dealjoy is free and accessible to everyone.

It is acquired by a simple on-site registration process and provides our members with complete access to the platform,

cashbacks, deals, and the DealShop.

In addition to regular membership, we offer a premium service called Dealjoy Plus with various benefits. Upgrading to Dealjoy Plus requires depositing and temporarily locking up a fixed number of DEAL tokens—a process that we call staking. If the user wants to give up the Dealjoy Plus membership, the staked tokens can be withdrawn after a fixed cool-down period, counted from the latest purchase.

Dealjoy Plus is an exciting avenue for engaging our members and providing them with significant benefits. The premium membership has three main advantages: higher cashback rates, instant cashbacks on all orders, and access to the premium DealFeed deals.

Dealjoy Plus members are exclusively provided with the highest cashback rates on all purchases, resulting in increased

savings and higher payouts compared to regular members. Since acquiring a Dealjoy Plus membership only requires staking tokens and, as such, is essentially free, it represents an exciting opportunity for high volume online shoppers or just anyone wanting to get the most out of the platform.

Instant cashbacks for the Dealjoy Plus members are made possible through the staked collateral of DEAL tokens provided by the user. If refunds or returns occur, the excessively paid tokens will automatically be deducted from the

user’s balance. If the user has already withdrawn or used all their tokens, the tokens will be deducted from the membership collateral.


Our primary business model is to provide our members with access to their favorite online retailers, from which Dealjoy will obtain commissions to be shared with the members per their eligible purchases.

Dealjoy will keep a maximum of 20% of the income received from affiliate partners to pay for the general business and

platform costs and to follow the long-term marketing, development and token burn strategies. The rest—a minimum of 80% of the acquired cashback funds—will be paid out to our members per their eligible purchases. As member payouts

are carried out in DEAL tokens, Dealjoy will continuously purchase tokens from external exchanges.
Affiliate partners pay commissions within a month from the commission-entitled purchase. To ensure continuous token reserve and liquidity for instant cashbacks, 10% of the total initial DEAL token supply is allocated in the company reserve.


All cashback rewards will be paid to the customers in DEAL tokens to create a simple and engaging way of rewarding our members for using the platform.

The tokens can be used to make purchases on the integrated DealShop or be withdrawn to an external wallet. The DEAL tokens are, by default, stored in the user’s personal wallet on the Dealjoy platform.
Since cashback rates are based on fiat prices of purchases, real-time price data from external exchanges will be used to determine the actual amount of DEAL tokens paid out to members at any given time. The token’s value will always and without limitations be determined by open markets on external exchanges, and Dealjoy will only participate in the exchange markets through transparent and pre-determined buyback and token burn mechanisms.

The DEAL token is an ERC20-standardized token implemented on the Ethereum network. The platform was chosen for its broad adoption, fast transfers, and cheap transaction costs. Using ERC20 standard helps DEAL token to achieve a high adoption among external exchanges and the community.


Owing to our great appreciation for early-stage contributors and all future DEAL token holders, we created an efficient and scalable strategy for the DEAL token to appreciate in value along with platform user base growth. Dealjoy will be using three main procedures to support the growth of DEAL token value: token buyback model, token staking, and long-term token burn strategy.


Since affiliate partners pay commissions in fiat, and cashbacks to our members are paid in DEAL tokens, a constant reserve of tokens is required to be maintained by Dealjoy. All the tokens that are paid to our members as cashbacks will be bought from external exchanges, which means that more than 80% of Dealjoy’s cashback related revenue will be used to buy tokens. This buyback model ensures continuous buying volume for the token, supporting our value growth strategy.


Upgrading to Dealjoy Plus membership requires locking up a fixed number of DEAL tokens. This community-engaging

token staking model leads to lessened circulating supply and benefits the long-term value of the DEAL token ecosystem

by increasing demand on exchanges and making it highly attractive for Dealjoy members to hold and stake DEAL tokens for various benefits like higher cashback rates and instant payouts on all purchases.


A part of the revenue generated by the Dealjoy platform will be used to buy DEAL tokens from external markets to be burned, decreasing the total supply of tokens and increasing the value of the token and our platform in general. The burned tokens will be removed permanently from the circulation and will not be accessible to any use ever after. This strategy is implemented to stimulate higher demand for tokens, leaving the token holders with increased purchasing

Dealjoy will use 1% of revenue to buy tokens for burning. The maximum amount of tokens burnt per year is 100,000,000 DEAL and the minimum token total supply is 200,000,000 DEAL. When the minimum cap is reached by burning tokens, no more tokens will be burnt.


The DEAL token sale event will be held in three phases: private sale, pre-sale and main sale.
The public pre-sale is scheduled for late 2018 with exact dates to be published. The main token sale will be conduct-ed after the pre-sale and will last a maximum of 4 weeks (28 days). All contributions are to be made in Ether (ETH).

Maximum total supply of DEAL is 1,400,000,000 and no more tokens will ever be issued after that. All unsold to-kens by the end of the token sale period will be permanent-ly burned.

The tokens allocated to the team are subject to a vesting period of 36 months. The advisor tokens will be vested for 24 months. Tokens will be released gradually in equal shares during the periods.


KYC (Know Your Customer) is an identification procedure that we need to follow in order to respect the local laws. All

contributions are subject to KYC, which will be conducted before contributing to the token sale.


Residents and citizens of the following countries are not eligible to participate in the Dealjoy token sale:

Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Nepal, North Korea, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, USA, Vanuatu, Yemen.


The DEAL token sale and platform are under the legislation of Malta, a member state of European Union. The company

is named Dealjoy Ltd. Our lawyers are WH Partners Advocates & Solicitors.


The information in this document is subject to change or update without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Dealjoy Ltd. This document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell shares or securities in Dealjoy Ltd or any related or associated company.


The purchase of DEAL Tokens is subject to the Token Sale Terms and Conditions, and the use of the Dealjoy platform

is subject to the Dealjoy Platform Terms and Conditions.


The use of the Dealjoy platform will be subject to specific terms and conditions, and these must be followed accordingly



Here is the information that I present to you in finding information and knowing the Dealjoy project currently being run by their team, if there is any error in explaining this article, do not worry, I have written to get accurate information. Information and of course you will be able to speak directly with or their team, at the link.

For more information and join Dealjoy social media today please follow these guidelines:

★ Web: https://dealjoy.io/
★ Whitepaper: https://dealjoy.io/files/Dealjoy_Whitepaper.pdf
★ Twitter: https://twitter.com/dealjoyofficial
★ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dealjoy
★ Medium: https://medium.com/@dealjoy
★ Telegram: https://t.me/dealjoy
★ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dealjoy/


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