RealDEX token

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realDEX is the Real Decentralized P2P Exchange Platform project. The project will also include a person-to-person alternate coin to fiat currency trading, an Auction Marketplace platform, a social networking crypto dedicated website, and a Cryptocurrency crowdsourcing marketplace. The realDEX Token, Ethereum technology ERC20, will be primarily used as payment for all platforms as well as serving for collateral for running a Masternode and getting paid by the network.

realDEX is a project running Real Windows Decentralized P2P Exchange platform, Mac OSX or Linux not relying on a Domain and/or IP for functionability programs.
realDEX will require an Internet connection and will run on a TCP 9338 port number. The realDEX network requires only one port for full-duplex two-way traffic. This port will be used for trading by all members of the network as well as communication with Masternodes.
Real decentralization means that your Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux programs will generate a storage address without access to the wallet. The coins that you will send there will remain in cold storage until the withdrawal is made through one of the Masternodes on the network.
Buyer Owners, Sellers, Developers, and Masternodes will never have access to private keys that are highly encrypted and save on the realDEX blockchain database and yes, the source code will be available on GitHub at
Masternode servers will be the only gateway for all withdrawals. Furthermore, the Masternode wallet will carry a balance of 0 and will be encrypted by the masternode program itself.
Because all trades will be carried out without us manipulating coins, you have to pay regular Bitcoin, the Xcoin blockchain fee and the realDEX network will charge the small token rDEX fees that will enter the Masternode that handles your transactions.
realDEX is aiming to create a cryptocurrency – so-called realDEX Token, for a proven, safe, liquid and secure currency, that has the potential to solve issues for more than 2 billion people worldwide.
Based on the Ethereum platform, realDEX Token cryptocurrency will be used as trading payment fees, Masternode ownership for the realDEX decentralized trading platform. realDEX Token does not have the legal qualification as a security, since it does not give any right rights on dividends or interest, any ownership right or stake share or equivalent rights or any right to receive future revenue shares, or any other form of participation in or relating to the realDEX, nor shall realDEX Token holders have any influence or rights in the development or governance of the realDEX. realDEX Token, therefore, is not a share. realDEX Token is final and non-refundable. The acquirement and use of realDEX Token shall not be done for speculative usage
Token distribution
Token distribution is not a public offering of equity or debt and consequently does not fall under the securities or any prospectus regulation. You can make a contribution to a smart contract system in Ether, Bitcoin and Sucre (acceptable Digital Assets) and receive realDEX Token in exchange. realDEX does not accept contributions in fiat currency and reserves the right to amend acceptable digital asset at any time, based on its sole discretion. All acquirement of realDEX Tokens shall be publicly accessible via the Ethereum blockchain browser.


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