Selasa, 03 Juli 2018

StealthCrypto® utility token

Develop Decentralized Quantum Mesh Networks, Incentives, Sustainability, Based on Blockchain Technology

The StealthCrypto® utility token will be the original cryptocurrency of the StealthCrypto® system. Funds collected through token sales will be used to develop and activate and purchase StealthCrypto Cloud® products and products in the StealthCrypto® ecosystem. The value of the StealthCrypto® token depends entirely on the development of Stealth Grid ™ and market demand.

About StealthCrypto®

Quantum Cyber ​​Security for a new era of communication - We are developing a decentralized, incentive, sustainable quantum mesh network based on blockchain technology. Using copyright, Dynamic Split End-to-End Encryption, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution ™ ", and quantum number generation, quantum key distribution and authentication. The Ultimate in Quantum Secure Cryptography for data protection, as well as blockchain, communications, smart city platform, IoT and banking. The team created a Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem that would be far superior to existing, secure, personal and available on demand ID systems.

StealthCrypto® and the Stealth Grid ™ development team boast strong technical expertise and unique market knowledge, with 2/3 employees working in R & D, including an international security expert team and a number of world-renowned cryptographers.

Business Model

StealthCrypto® has the experience and expertise to protect your data using new generation of decentralized blockchain security technologies to help withstand the challenges that arise in the ever-evolving landscape of threats. Our high-performance network encryption for long-term data protection The creation of quantum keys and the distribution of quantum keys

StealthCrypto® makes cloud storage, IoT, and communications secure, and faster with StealthCrypto's patented StealthCrypto®.

Products Ready to Market

The Stealth Grids ™ Trust Center has a range of ready-to-market and market-ready encrypted communications products that will be enabled by the StealthCrypto® token. Today's ready-to-market products include IM, cloud storage and file sharing, email, voice and video conferencing using our proprietary Quantum virtual security technology, StealthCrypto®, and "AI Cyber ​​Security ™". Using our patented, Dynamic end-to-end, Split Encryption ™, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution ™ ", and quantum authentication technologies for data protection, blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. Stealth Grid ™ builds incentive-based quantum networks that will radicalize existing infrastructure based on our Qubit blocks.

StealthCrypto® PHONE

StealthCrypto® gives our users tremendous power over their privacy and calls anywhere in the world with Wi-Fi or data. Stealth Grid aims to decentralize mobile communications with technologies that enable smartphones to communicate without relying on centralized infrastructure using our decentralized Quantum mesh network - the first of its kind in the telecommunications industry. "All phones have an integrated privacy control center. users fully control their access and phone functions. StealthCrypto® phones will be the safest phones on the market and each application must be approved and downloaded from a secure StealthCrypto® page.

Quantum Mesh Network

The StealthCrypto Cloud® NAS system is fully decentralized, with files distributed and stored worldwide, on different containers. This allows the network to become strong against attack, with no central point of weakness. StealthCrypto Cloud ™ NAS with built-in wifi router container connected to peer-to-peer cloud storage, telecommunications, communications, IOT connections, mining and supported by StealthCrypto® incentive based Ecosystem. The system will deliver Quantum Entropy engines, quantum key generation, key distribution and authentication.

Token Sales Details

Use of Results

StealthCrypto® Allocation


Quantum Cyber Security Solution
Q1 2018

Launch an integrated peer-to-peer blockchain product that includes, IM, cloud storage and file sharing, email, voice and video conferencing using our Dynamic Split Encryption, Dynamic GeoDistribution, authentication and Quantum virtual security technology.

StealthCrypto® Distributed Network - Quantum Meshed Network
Q2 2018

A StealthCrypto® converged peer-to-peer cloud storage network will implement dynamic end-to-end split dynamic and geo distributed models with annoying authentication algorithms using quantum quantum generators from decentralized IBE - key distributions through blockchain. In addition to launching our StealthCrypto® phone.

Development of Qubit Blockchain And Testing
Q3 2018

Develop and Test Qubit Blockchain for implementation in our Quantum Mesh Network

Create technology acquisitions and submit patents for Qubit Blockchain and develop channel partners and software and hardware StealthCrypto® agnostic.

Launch of Qubit Blockchain
Q4 2018

Launch Qubit Blockchain for use in Stealth Grid Technologies, StealthCrypto® ecosystem and its Quantum Mesh Network

Qubit Exchange Launch
Q2 2019

Launch Qubit Exchange and develop Alt coins for exchange.





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