Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

VoxeIX - Please Invest in This ICO Project


VoxelX's mission is a multidisciplinary revolutionary revolution by creating a modified online DICOM-platform for simulated medical learning. The VoxelX team is one of the few who worked in 2013 to introduce DICOM-images in specialized medical e-learning in radiology.

What Invest In VoxelX?

With VoxelX ( you did not start the project, but you've done it and started profiting. You do not invest in the idea, but only in beta products that will leverage multidisciplinary learning. VoxelX will issue a token called GRAY and will be used primarily to help build DICOM-Platform content.

VoxelX: DICOM-Platform Online

DICOM-platform ( is designed to study radiology learning. It's truly interactive and educational. One of the key features is the ability to insure and refer to the structure and pathology of the DICOM image directly with all the resources of the knowledge on the web.
The VoxelX platform is filled with many tools that provide medical educators and radiologists for easy interaction with DICOM-Images. It is an innovative drawing tool that has created and associated structures and illnesses in images with all the web-based sources of knowledge (


Street Map (

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VoxelX Wallet & GREAY Token

Each user of VoxelX will have a wallet created and linked to the account. Unlike traditional cryptocurrency wallets in the market, VoxelX wallets are associated with the Platform's ranking system, the more you donate to the platforms the more you get GRAY, the better you rank.

GRAY wallet is Ethereum's ERC-20 tokens that allow us to design a reward algorithm that generates a radiologist for each small submission and update content and platform images. With GRAY money we can monetize online content and create incentives to incentivize radiologists as publishers and building validators and develop platform communities.

GRAY Token Sale

The total deposit of the VoxelX GRAY token will ever be 10,000,000,000 (10 billion). The number of big start tokens to adjust the price for the microtransactions that occur on the platform. All GRAY tokens will be formed in the seed block and distributed as below:

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[Token Sale]

45% GAY tokens will be sold at the beginning of the initial GRAY token. Sales of tokens will be made up of private pre-ICO events for strategic and initial investors followed by public offering. Tokens sold in private and pre-ICO events will be sold but will be restricted to certain lockup restrictions.

The GRAY Private / Pre-sale 0:30:00 Pacific Time on April 20th and will end on May 10th.

The Private / Pre Sale conversion ratio ETH to GRAY is 1: 200.000.
The GRAY bonus will be given for a larger purchase.
[VoxelX Foundation]

25% GAY tokens will be held by the VoxelX Foundation. This token will be used to finance and encourage the VoxelX community to build platform content via reward algorithms using GRAY coins.

[Beginning of Investors and Bonuses]

10% GREEN tokens will be held by early investors and bonuses for large purchases. This part of the tokens will comply with the lockup restrictions and put into action.

[VoxelX Team and Founder]

20% of GRAY tokens will be held by VoxelX and applicable to founders, team members. 20% of these tokens will be available after initial bid with 20% unlocked every 6 months afterwards.

Screenshot-2018-4-10 VoxelX Dicom-Platform Medical Powered Blockchain - DICOM-Platform Medical Powered Blockchain kanggo M [...] (1) .png

Dr. Waleed Ajabnoor, CEO 

Kanthi liwat 10+ taun ing lapangan medhis, waleed uga minangka pangadeg RiseMyWeb sing wis nerbitake salah sawijining alat manajemen tim paling apik ing pasar.

Mohammed Sharaf 

Pengembang web lan administrator server senior kanthi latar mburi sing padhet ing area pemrograman sing beda karo pangerten sing apik babagan teknologi decentralized.

Mahmoud Nabhan 

Ahli programmer DICOM kanthi pengalaman dasawarsa ing imaging medis. Sawise 2 taun kerja keras lan konsisten, Mahmoud wis kasil nggawa bagian Viewer versi beta versi VoxelX kanggo urip.

Yousef Wahby Albishi 

Saliyane minangka pengembang utama ing tim kita, Yousef ngurus lan nganakake kabeh rencana pemasaran VoxelX. Sadurunge gabung karo tim VoxelX Yousef wis kerja suwe ing bidang medis khusus pendidikan medis, yaiku inti saka filsafat platform VoxelX.
VoxeIX List ing


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