Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

Liger Coin - Judi Olaraga Online Basis Blockchain


Ligercoin didasarkan pada platform Ethereum yang didorong untuk merevolusi permainan kasino online dan offline dan industri olahraga fantasi. Ini memastikan likuiditas melalui penerimaan reguler dan besar sehingga meminimalkan kekhawatiran seperti privasi, tabu, likuiditas, kecepatan penyelesaian dan keamanan.
Including The Underprivileged

Mereka juga bermaksud untuk memasukkan bagian-bagian masyarakat yang diistimewakan di seluruh inklusi digital, dalam langkah yang akan memperlakukan setiap individu secara setara dan merangkul harmoni. Akses yang andal dan efisien serta tindakan antar adalah kunci untuk pertumbuhan Industri Game. Perusahaan berusaha menciptakan utilitas win-win untuk semua yang terkait dengan industri.

Mereka bertujuan memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan sektor dan untuk mendapatkan kegiatan di bawah ambit of the Organized Industry. Ini akhirnya akan membantu yang sah tumbuh lebih besar dan memungkinkan pertumbuhan PDB didorong melalui ini sementara menghilangkan Perantara sebagian besar.

Ligercoin is based on the Ethereum platform that is encouraged to revolutionize online and offline casino games and the fantasy sports industry. This ensures liquidity through regular and large receipts thereby minimizing concerns such as privacy, taboo, liquidity, speed of completion and security.
Including The Underprivileged

They also intend to incorporate parts of society that are privileged throughout digital inclusion, in a move that will treat each individual equally and embrace harmony. Reliable and efficient access and inter action are key to the growth of the Game Industry. The company strives to create win-win utilities for all industries.

They aim to contribute significantly to the growth of the sector and to obtain activities under the ambit of the Organized Industry. This will ultimately help the legitimate grow larger and allow GDP growth to be driven through this while eliminating the Intermediaries largely.


Token: LIC

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

PreICO price: 1 LIC = 0.025 EUR

Bonus Pre ICO: 40%

Bonus ICO Week 1: 25%

Bonus ICO Week 2: 15%

Bonus ICO Week 3: 10%

Min. investment: 0.20 ETH

Accepting: ETH, BTC

Distributed in ICO 75%

Soft cap: 4,000,000 EUR

Hard cap: 41,000,000 EUR

Tokens for sale2,700,000,000


July 2 - Jan 2018

Business Idea, Core Team & Research

Feb - March 2018

Company Regn & Gaming License/ENS as Legal Partners/GT as Auditors.

March 2018

TokenGet as Technology Partners/ICO Marketing & Pvt Placement starts

April to June 2018


August 2018

Exchange Registration.

Sept - December 2018

Token Staking/Liger's Online Casino/Fantasy Sports website launch

Feb - May 2019

Liger's Online Sports Betting & Offline Casino Launch.

The Amazing Team


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